Real Time Attendance Marking System

Authors : Riya John; Akhilesh.s; Gayathri Geetha Nair; Jeen Raju; Krishnendhu.B

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG617

Abstract : Attendance management is an important procedure in an educational institution as well as in business organizations. Most of the available methods are time consuming and manipulative. The traditional method of attendance management is carried out in handwritten registers. Other than the manual method, there exist biometric methods like fingerprint and retinal scan, RFID tags, etc. All of these methods have disadvantages, therefore, in order to avoid these difficulties here, we introduce a new method for attendance management using deep learning technology. Using deep learning we can easily train a data-set. Real-time face algorithms are used and recognized faces of students in real-time while attending lectures. This system aims to be less time- consuming in comparison to the existing system of marking attendance.The program runs on anaconda flask server.Here real time image is captured using mobile phone camera. The faces on the image of the persons are then recognized and attendance is marked on an excel file.

Keywords : Flask Server, Face Detection, Face Embedding, Face Recognition

Attendance management is an important procedure in an educational institution as well as in business organizations. Most of the available methods are time consuming and manipulative. The traditional method of attendance management is carried out in handwritten registers. Other than the manual method, there exist biometric methods like fingerprint and retinal scan, RFID tags, etc. All of these methods have disadvantages, therefore, in order to avoid these difficulties here, we introduce a new method for attendance management using deep learning technology. Using deep learning we can easily train a data-set. Real-time face algorithms are used and recognized faces of students in real-time while attending lectures. This system aims to be less time- consuming in comparison to the existing system of marking attendance.The program runs on anaconda flask server.Here real time image is captured using mobile phone camera. The faces on the image of the persons are then recognized and attendance is marked on an excel file.

Keywords : Flask Server, Face Detection, Face Embedding, Face Recognition

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