Quality Control Analysis of Candy Wrapping Process Using the QCC (Quality Control Circle) Method in the Candy Industry Indonesian

Authors : Aryo Yudha Utama, Heri Supriyatna, Rahardhian Dimas Puja Kusuma

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 1 - January

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3aIrdkt

Abstract : PT. XYZ is a company engaged in manufacturing consumer goods namely Candy, etc. in Indonesia. In this case the company wants to increase productivity while maintaining quality in the production process. This is very necessary as one of the company's strategy to survive and have competitiveness with other companies. To maintain consumer confidence in producing quality products, the company has implemented good quality management and complies with applicable quality standard guidelines. In its production activities, the company always tries to produce good products and reduce defects in these products, but in reality in the field many products are found not in accordance with established standards, ie the maximum defect is 0.2% of the total products produced. This study aims to determine how the implementation of quality control using Quality Control Circle (QCC) tools that are useful in efforts to control the level of defects in Candy products in the company. The problem was solved using seven tools and 5 W + 1H. There are 7 types of defects in the candy wrapping process namely folded wrappers, torn wrappers, hole wrappers, no contents, unwrapped wrappers, scratched wrappers, and crushed candy. Types of defects Inner fold up has the largest contribution to the product defects that occur in the candy packaging process that is 0.70%. Some of the factors that cause defects in wrapping are machine, method, environment and human.

Keywords : Quality Control Analysis, QCC, Seven Tools, 5W + 1H.

PT. XYZ is a company engaged in manufacturing consumer goods namely Candy, etc. in Indonesia. In this case the company wants to increase productivity while maintaining quality in the production process. This is very necessary as one of the company's strategy to survive and have competitiveness with other companies. To maintain consumer confidence in producing quality products, the company has implemented good quality management and complies with applicable quality standard guidelines. In its production activities, the company always tries to produce good products and reduce defects in these products, but in reality in the field many products are found not in accordance with established standards, ie the maximum defect is 0.2% of the total products produced. This study aims to determine how the implementation of quality control using Quality Control Circle (QCC) tools that are useful in efforts to control the level of defects in Candy products in the company. The problem was solved using seven tools and 5 W + 1H. There are 7 types of defects in the candy wrapping process namely folded wrappers, torn wrappers, hole wrappers, no contents, unwrapped wrappers, scratched wrappers, and crushed candy. Types of defects Inner fold up has the largest contribution to the product defects that occur in the candy packaging process that is 0.70%. Some of the factors that cause defects in wrapping are machine, method, environment and human.

Keywords : Quality Control Analysis, QCC, Seven Tools, 5W + 1H.

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