Authors :
M. S. Bennet Praba, A.P., SRMIST.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
QR codes or the Quick Response codes are in the initial stage of their evaluation. Currently there are various uses of these codes, but they have a vast future potential. QR codes are basically the newer versions of barcodes. They are very much advanced and efficient as compared to barcodes. Barcodes can only code data from either 0 degree or 180 degree. QR codes can code data from all 360 degree access. Due to this reason, QR codes can store or code around a hundred times data as compared to barcodes. Here, in this paper we explore the use of QR codes as a channel between the physical address and virtual address of a spot or site. How QR codes can act as to ease and better the current cleaning managing systems.
Keywords :
Inventory Management, Quick Response, Alpha-numeric Data, Information Transfer, Audio Tour.
QR codes or the Quick Response codes are in the initial stage of their evaluation. Currently there are various uses of these codes, but they have a vast future potential. QR codes are basically the newer versions of barcodes. They are very much advanced and efficient as compared to barcodes. Barcodes can only code data from either 0 degree or 180 degree. QR codes can code data from all 360 degree access. Due to this reason, QR codes can store or code around a hundred times data as compared to barcodes. Here, in this paper we explore the use of QR codes as a channel between the physical address and virtual address of a spot or site. How QR codes can act as to ease and better the current cleaning managing systems.
Keywords :
Inventory Management, Quick Response, Alpha-numeric Data, Information Transfer, Audio Tour.