Public Open Space Design Concept in the Historic Area of Rengasdengklok

Authors : Ria Bertriany; Sri Pare Eni; Yophie Septiady

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Public open spaces in a city are generally in the form of a town square located in the city center, where the local government offices and other supporting facilities are located. The town square as one of the public open spaces in Rengasdengklok City is unique, in addition to being the center of community activities, it is also located in the same area as cultural heritage buildings. This is what makes the Rengasdengklok City square have characteristics that display the city's identity. The purpose of this study is to examine the current condition of Rengasdengklok City's public open spaces, through an analysis that links the concept of environmentally friendly and sustainable public open spaces and considers economic, social and cultural aspects. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method, to describe and analyze the actual conditions of the objects studied by identifying the potential and existing problems. The results of the study show that the public open space in this location has not functioned optimally in terms of environmental factors, infrastructure and its relationship to city assets. It is hoped that through this research, public open spaces can be developed into ideal spaces for various activities and contribute to increasing the value and quality of the historical area of Rengasdengklok City.

Keywords : Cultural Heritage, Concept, Public Open Space, Rengasdengklok

References :

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Public open spaces in a city are generally in the form of a town square located in the city center, where the local government offices and other supporting facilities are located. The town square as one of the public open spaces in Rengasdengklok City is unique, in addition to being the center of community activities, it is also located in the same area as cultural heritage buildings. This is what makes the Rengasdengklok City square have characteristics that display the city's identity. The purpose of this study is to examine the current condition of Rengasdengklok City's public open spaces, through an analysis that links the concept of environmentally friendly and sustainable public open spaces and considers economic, social and cultural aspects. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method, to describe and analyze the actual conditions of the objects studied by identifying the potential and existing problems. The results of the study show that the public open space in this location has not functioned optimally in terms of environmental factors, infrastructure and its relationship to city assets. It is hoped that through this research, public open spaces can be developed into ideal spaces for various activities and contribute to increasing the value and quality of the historical area of Rengasdengklok City.

Keywords : Cultural Heritage, Concept, Public Open Space, Rengasdengklok

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