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Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
This study narrated the lived experiences of
public elementary school teachers who have undergone
coaching and mentoring, shedding light on their coping
strategies for addressing weaknesses and their insights
into educational learning. This employed qualitative
phenomenological research. Ten participants, recipients
of coaching and mentoring, provided rich narratives that
coalesced around three primary themes: engagement in
professional development, adequacy of training resources,
and the demands of the work environment. Concurrently,
coping strategies for the challenges associated with
coaching revealed three major themes: establishing
teaching competence, demonstrating collaborative
practices, and embracing reflective practices.
Furthermore, the study identified two overarching
learning insights derived from teachers' lived
experiences: a dedication to being work-oriented and
motivated. School leaders must recognize the
transformative potential of coaching and mentoring in
enhancing teaching practices. Teachers, in turn, should
actively embrace and participate in any technical
assistance provided. The Department of Education
officials are urged to leverage the study's findings to
develop a centralized professional development program
that aligns with teachers' competencies and needs.
Finally, students are encouraged to actively engage in
classroom activities to foster a meaningful and holistic
educational outcome.
Keywords :
Coaching, Mentoring, Public Elementary School Teachers.
References :
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This study narrated the lived experiences of
public elementary school teachers who have undergone
coaching and mentoring, shedding light on their coping
strategies for addressing weaknesses and their insights
into educational learning. This employed qualitative
phenomenological research. Ten participants, recipients
of coaching and mentoring, provided rich narratives that
coalesced around three primary themes: engagement in
professional development, adequacy of training resources,
and the demands of the work environment. Concurrently,
coping strategies for the challenges associated with
coaching revealed three major themes: establishing
teaching competence, demonstrating collaborative
practices, and embracing reflective practices.
Furthermore, the study identified two overarching
learning insights derived from teachers' lived
experiences: a dedication to being work-oriented and
motivated. School leaders must recognize the
transformative potential of coaching and mentoring in
enhancing teaching practices. Teachers, in turn, should
actively embrace and participate in any technical
assistance provided. The Department of Education
officials are urged to leverage the study's findings to
develop a centralized professional development program
that aligns with teachers' competencies and needs.
Finally, students are encouraged to actively engage in
classroom activities to foster a meaningful and holistic
educational outcome.
Keywords :
Coaching, Mentoring, Public Elementary School Teachers.