Propounding “Structured Innovative Thinking Techniques for Social Sciences Research”: Why this can be a Game Changer in Social Sciences Research

Authors : Sujay Rao Mandavili

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : The starting point of this paper is a very brief overview and review of the concepts and postulates of our previously published paper “Baking innovative and creative thinking techniques into scientific method: Towards innovative and creative techniques as an intrinsic part of scientific method for higher scientific and research output”, which was published by us in the early part of 2024. We then also review and summarize various existing innovative and creative research techniques such as the six hat thinking techniques and lateral thinking techniques, and then proceed to overview our approach which was called the “Structured innovative thinking techniques for Social Sciences Research”. This approach is suitably expanded upon and forms the logical basis of this entire paper. There are multiple points of interface with our earlier papers to varying degrees, and these include our papers on twenty-first century intellectualism, the eight pillars of social science research methods and techniques, and the theory of paradoxes, which we have published in the recent past, albeit to a much smaller extent and degree. We believe that this paper will add enormous value to science in general, and catapult scientific activity to a much higher league. It is as such in tandem with our broader globalization of science movement.

References :

  1. Abstraction, conceptualization, disambiguation, ideation, innovation, objectivization, quantification, and theorization in the social sciences: New pillars for contemporary social sciences research Sujay Rao Mandavilli IJISRT, July 2024
  2. Baking innovative and creative thinking techniques into scientific method: Towards innovative and creative techniques as an intrinsic part of scientific method for higher scientific and research output Sujay Rao Mandavilli IJISRT January 2024
  3. Paradox identification and paradox resolution in scientific endeavour: Reconciliation of contradictory rulesets in the interests of better theorization and hypothesis-building Sujay Rao Mandavilli IJISRT, January 2024
  4. Elucidating the Certainty uncertainty principle for the Social Sciences: Guidelines for hypothesis formulation in the Social Sciences for enhanced objectivity and intellectual multi-polarity Sujay Rao Mandavilli IJISRT, March 2023
  5. Unveiling the Sociological Ninety-ten rules for Social Sciences research: Towards better hypothesis formulation in the Social Sciences in the interests of higher quality research and intellectual multi-polarity Sujay Rao Mandavilli Published in IJISRT, February 2023
  6. Cowles, Henry M. (2020), The Scientific Method: An Evolution of Thinking from Darwin to Dewey, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, ISBN 978-0674976191
  7. Dales, Richard C. (1973), The Scientific Achievement of the Middle Ages (The Middle Ages Series), University of Pennsylvania Press
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  10. Redefining Intellectualism for a post-globalized world: Why present-day intellectualism is obsolete and why a comprehensive reassessment of intellectualism is required Sujay Rao Mandavilli IJISRT, August 2023
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  12. Towards scientific apperception tests for twenty-first century social sciences research: Formulating ‘Structured apperception techniques for socio-cultural change’ in twenty-first century social sciences research Sujay Rao Mandavilli IJISRT June 2023
  13. The relevance of Culture and Personality Studies, National Character Studies, Cultural Determinism and Cultural Diffusion in Twenty-first Century Anthropology: An assessment of their compatibility with Symbiotic models of Socio-cultural change ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Social Science Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018
  14. Articulating comprehensive frameworks on socio-cultural change: Perceptions of social and cultural change in contemporary Twenty-first century Anthropology from a ‘Neo-centrist’ perspective Published in ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Social Sciences Volume 3, Number 4 (July 2017 – September 2017) Sujay Rao Mandavilli
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The starting point of this paper is a very brief overview and review of the concepts and postulates of our previously published paper “Baking innovative and creative thinking techniques into scientific method: Towards innovative and creative techniques as an intrinsic part of scientific method for higher scientific and research output”, which was published by us in the early part of 2024. We then also review and summarize various existing innovative and creative research techniques such as the six hat thinking techniques and lateral thinking techniques, and then proceed to overview our approach which was called the “Structured innovative thinking techniques for Social Sciences Research”. This approach is suitably expanded upon and forms the logical basis of this entire paper. There are multiple points of interface with our earlier papers to varying degrees, and these include our papers on twenty-first century intellectualism, the eight pillars of social science research methods and techniques, and the theory of paradoxes, which we have published in the recent past, albeit to a much smaller extent and degree. We believe that this paper will add enormous value to science in general, and catapult scientific activity to a much higher league. It is as such in tandem with our broader globalization of science movement.

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