Authors :
Vaishnavi. S. J.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 11 - November
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Abstract :
Generally the Evaluation system practiced in cu rrent Education system is completely under the considerati on of marks as its major criteria. Due to this, we lose vario us talents present among students. This system of Evaluati on has resulted in poor outcomes in all fields with poor im plementing techniques. This paper helps us in reframing th e Evaluation technique so as to build better professionals i n all fields. The researcher has come up with some ideas th at can be implemented for better evaluation process so that students are judged in different aspects namely their highe r order thinking skill and critical thinking skill. This gives a better understanding and application of learnt knowledg e. As far the education is concerned to students, changes in evaluation process may give a different impact. Hence the planned system can be broken and changed to make the ed ucation process a more efficient one and also an enjoyment . This Paper deals with how basic skills in education can be collaborated with the elements of evaluation. By making lit tle modifications we can derive a better outcome from stud ents in all walks of life thereby achieving the aims of living.
Keywords :
Education System, Evaluation System, Modificatio n, Better Outcome.
Generally the Evaluation system practiced in cu rrent Education system is completely under the considerati on of marks as its major criteria. Due to this, we lose vario us talents present among students. This system of Evaluati on has resulted in poor outcomes in all fields with poor im plementing techniques. This paper helps us in reframing th e Evaluation technique so as to build better professionals i n all fields. The researcher has come up with some ideas th at can be implemented for better evaluation process so that students are judged in different aspects namely their highe r order thinking skill and critical thinking skill. This gives a better understanding and application of learnt knowledg e. As far the education is concerned to students, changes in evaluation process may give a different impact. Hence the planned system can be broken and changed to make the ed ucation process a more efficient one and also an enjoyment . This Paper deals with how basic skills in education can be collaborated with the elements of evaluation. By making lit tle modifications we can derive a better outcome from stud ents in all walks of life thereby achieving the aims of living.
Keywords :
Education System, Evaluation System, Modificatio n, Better Outcome.