Productivity in Manufacturing Industries

Authors : M D Sreekumar, Dr. Meghna Chhabra, Dr. Ruchika Yadav.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October

Abstract : Low productivity of workers is the most significant factor behind delivery slippages in manufacturing industries. As manufacturing is a laborer predominant industrial sector, this paper focuses on worker output and their efficiency in the manufacturing sector. It covers the definitions of productivity, efficiency of the workers, its perspectives and the factors influencing the productivity. Objective of this article is to find out how the productivity of workers in a manufacturing industry is affected. The essential significance of this review is in identifying the key variables influencing efficiency of laborers in a manufacturing industry with special emphasis in machine tool industry. The study mainly focuses on two different manufacturing companies having its factories located in different locations in India.

Keywords : Productivity, Manufacturing.

Low productivity of workers is the most significant factor behind delivery slippages in manufacturing industries. As manufacturing is a laborer predominant industrial sector, this paper focuses on worker output and their efficiency in the manufacturing sector. It covers the definitions of productivity, efficiency of the workers, its perspectives and the factors influencing the productivity. Objective of this article is to find out how the productivity of workers in a manufacturing industry is affected. The essential significance of this review is in identifying the key variables influencing efficiency of laborers in a manufacturing industry with special emphasis in machine tool industry. The study mainly focuses on two different manufacturing companies having its factories located in different locations in India.

Keywords : Productivity, Manufacturing.

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