Authors :
Ari Ramdhani; Mohammad Hilman Maulana; Rahmad Hidayat Nasution; Yudi Prastyo
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
This study aims to analyze and improve
productivity at PT Manufaktur through the Total
Productive Maintenance (TPM) approach and
measurement of Overall Equipment Effectiveness
(OEE). The problem faced by the company is a
significant decrease in productivity, reflected in the
increase in machine downtime by 25%, product defect
rates reaching 12%, and various losses in the production
process which result in financial losses reaching Rp. 500
million per month. The research method used a
quantitative approach with primary data collection
through direct observation, interviews with operators
and production supervisors, and secondary data in the
form of production, maintenance, and quality control
records during the period November 2023-October 2024.
The analysis was carried out by calculating the OEE
value based on three main components, namely
Availability, Performance rate, and Quality rate, and
identifying the implementation of the eight pillars of
TPM using an assessment matrix and fishbone analysis.
The results showed that the average OEE value was
77.94% (Availability 95.1%, Performance Rate 82.49%,
Quality Rate 99.45%), still below the world class
standard (85%). Losses are caused by breakdown losses
(5%), defect losses (2%), setup and adjustment losses
(3%), reduced speed losses (13%), and idling and minor
stoppage losses (14%). Effective TPM implementation is
recommended through autonomous maintenance,
planned maintenance, quality maintenance, and focused
improvement programs, with a target of increasing the
OEE value to 86% within 12 months. This research also
produced a comprehensive TPM implementation
roadmap along with key performance indicators for
continuous monitoring and evaluation.
Keywords :
TPM, OEE, Six Big Losses, FMEA.
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This study aims to analyze and improve
productivity at PT Manufaktur through the Total
Productive Maintenance (TPM) approach and
measurement of Overall Equipment Effectiveness
(OEE). The problem faced by the company is a
significant decrease in productivity, reflected in the
increase in machine downtime by 25%, product defect
rates reaching 12%, and various losses in the production
process which result in financial losses reaching Rp. 500
million per month. The research method used a
quantitative approach with primary data collection
through direct observation, interviews with operators
and production supervisors, and secondary data in the
form of production, maintenance, and quality control
records during the period November 2023-October 2024.
The analysis was carried out by calculating the OEE
value based on three main components, namely
Availability, Performance rate, and Quality rate, and
identifying the implementation of the eight pillars of
TPM using an assessment matrix and fishbone analysis.
The results showed that the average OEE value was
77.94% (Availability 95.1%, Performance Rate 82.49%,
Quality Rate 99.45%), still below the world class
standard (85%). Losses are caused by breakdown losses
(5%), defect losses (2%), setup and adjustment losses
(3%), reduced speed losses (13%), and idling and minor
stoppage losses (14%). Effective TPM implementation is
recommended through autonomous maintenance,
planned maintenance, quality maintenance, and focused
improvement programs, with a target of increasing the
OEE value to 86% within 12 months. This research also
produced a comprehensive TPM implementation
roadmap along with key performance indicators for
continuous monitoring and evaluation.
Keywords :
TPM, OEE, Six Big Losses, FMEA.