Productivity Analysis to Increase Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) by Implementing Total Productive Maintenance

Authors : Adha Winatie, Belia Perwitasari Maharani, Erry Rimawan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Productivity was one of important thing that company should be focus on. In process of producing goods and service to fulfil customer’s needs, the company expected to concern on process of continuous improvement. It aims to minimize the losses incurred, increase revenue and efficiency of production operating costs. One of effort that company can do was detailed the measurement of availability rate, performance and quality rate. The problem analysis carried out by the Overall Equipment method concluded that the company must focus on improvement by increasing production scheduling and equipment / machine production performance and reducing the quality issue before production and when the production process is running.

Keywords : Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Total Productive Maintenance.

Productivity was one of important thing that company should be focus on. In process of producing goods and service to fulfil customer’s needs, the company expected to concern on process of continuous improvement. It aims to minimize the losses incurred, increase revenue and efficiency of production operating costs. One of effort that company can do was detailed the measurement of availability rate, performance and quality rate. The problem analysis carried out by the Overall Equipment method concluded that the company must focus on improvement by increasing production scheduling and equipment / machine production performance and reducing the quality issue before production and when the production process is running.

Keywords : Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Total Productive Maintenance.

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