Privacy Concerns and Ethical Prospects in Modern Software Architectures

Authors : Alexandru Marius Obretin; Andreea Alina Cornea

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : Information technology has known a steady and continuous growth in the last decades, being the driving source of innovation, modeling the present and shaping the future. However, besides its indisputable benefits, novelty in the realm of information technology brings security concerns and dangers for which a large segment of the population is yet unprepared. This paper aims to analyze the risks regarding data privacy, integrity, and security in various economic contexts and to provide guidelines for ethical prospects in the software solutions of the future.

Keywords : data privacy; data integrity; ethics;

Information technology has known a steady and continuous growth in the last decades, being the driving source of innovation, modeling the present and shaping the future. However, besides its indisputable benefits, novelty in the realm of information technology brings security concerns and dangers for which a large segment of the population is yet unprepared. This paper aims to analyze the risks regarding data privacy, integrity, and security in various economic contexts and to provide guidelines for ethical prospects in the software solutions of the future.

Keywords : data privacy; data integrity; ethics;

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