Practice of Rational use of Antibiotics among General Practitioners, Khartoum locality, Sudan

Authors : Osman Abdelrahman; Nizar Ismail; Seddig Abdella; Muneeb Adam; Mohamed Banaga; Namarig Abdelrahman; Zuhair Babiker

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : This cross-sectional-based study was carried out at Khartoum locality, Khartoum. The impact of such a problem on health and the economy worldwide encouraged us to conduct this study. Prescribing antibiotics irrationally resulted in the development of antibacterial resistance, in a direct causation relationship. Health professionals carry the majority of the responsibility of the antibiotic resistance generation.  Purpose: The study aimed to generate data that might help our health system policymakers, promoting them to set up a well-structured rational use of antibiotics models. One more goal is to improve the practice of the doctors, making them always satisfied with their antibiotics prescription.  Methodology: The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 75 doctors who work at 15 different primary health centers. The practice of doctors was assessed using closed-ended statements. Statements used in this study addressed facts like supportive laboratory tests requested before prescription, antibiotics prescription during minor conditions, and factors influencing them to overprescribe antibacterial agents. In the next phase, pharmacies that belong to health centers were included in the study. A well-structured checklist was used to obtain the data related to the rational use of antibiotics. Data obtained were the total number of prescriptions per day, number of prescriptions containing antibiotics, number of prescriptions with clear written diagnosis, and number of prescriptions with attached laboratories. We gave scores for every statement choice, 2 points for the correct answer, 1 for the answer ‘I don’t know, and 0 for the incorrect answer. Total marks of each questionnaire collected, afterward, practice evaluated as good, moderate, or poor. In the final step, the findings of the questionnaires compared to the checklists findings obtained from the pharmacies.  Results: The number of years spent in medical practice for the health professionals who participated in this study has been estimated. 92% have less than five years of medical experience, 6.7% have been practiced for 5-10 years, while 1.3% have been practiced for ten years. 33% of the total number of health professionals had 16-20 patients per day during the duration of the study. After marking and analyzing statements addressing the practice, the final result showed the poor practice of rational use of antibiotics.

Keywords : Antibiotics; Practice; Factors; Khartoum; Sudan.

This cross-sectional-based study was carried out at Khartoum locality, Khartoum. The impact of such a problem on health and the economy worldwide encouraged us to conduct this study. Prescribing antibiotics irrationally resulted in the development of antibacterial resistance, in a direct causation relationship. Health professionals carry the majority of the responsibility of the antibiotic resistance generation.  Purpose: The study aimed to generate data that might help our health system policymakers, promoting them to set up a well-structured rational use of antibiotics models. One more goal is to improve the practice of the doctors, making them always satisfied with their antibiotics prescription.  Methodology: The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 75 doctors who work at 15 different primary health centers. The practice of doctors was assessed using closed-ended statements. Statements used in this study addressed facts like supportive laboratory tests requested before prescription, antibiotics prescription during minor conditions, and factors influencing them to overprescribe antibacterial agents. In the next phase, pharmacies that belong to health centers were included in the study. A well-structured checklist was used to obtain the data related to the rational use of antibiotics. Data obtained were the total number of prescriptions per day, number of prescriptions containing antibiotics, number of prescriptions with clear written diagnosis, and number of prescriptions with attached laboratories. We gave scores for every statement choice, 2 points for the correct answer, 1 for the answer ‘I don’t know, and 0 for the incorrect answer. Total marks of each questionnaire collected, afterward, practice evaluated as good, moderate, or poor. In the final step, the findings of the questionnaires compared to the checklists findings obtained from the pharmacies.  Results: The number of years spent in medical practice for the health professionals who participated in this study has been estimated. 92% have less than five years of medical experience, 6.7% have been practiced for 5-10 years, while 1.3% have been practiced for ten years. 33% of the total number of health professionals had 16-20 patients per day during the duration of the study. After marking and analyzing statements addressing the practice, the final result showed the poor practice of rational use of antibiotics.

Keywords : Antibiotics; Practice; Factors; Khartoum; Sudan.

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