Post-Tonsillectomy Taste Disturbance; An Unusual Complication of Tonsillectomy

Authors : Md. Ashraful Islam; Nazmul Hossain Chowdhury; Tareq Mohammad; Towsif Bin Mamoon; Saif Rahman Khan; ASM Lutfur Rahman; Farid Uddin Milki

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG169

Abstract : Tonsillectomy is a very common operation to the otolaryngologist and relatively safe in expert hand. Sometimes it bothers the surgeon for its acute and chronic post-operative complications like reactionary hemorrhage, throat pain, referred otalgia, dehydration, velopharyngeal incmpetnce, burns of uvula, soft-tissue injury, dento-mandibular trauma, and respiratory compromise. Although rare, it is often associated with altered taste and temporary or long continued loss of taste sensation. In this article, the authors reported 39 (3.9%) cases of disturbance of taste sensation among 1000 post-tonsillectomy patients during the period 2015 to 2018 in the Bangladesh medical College Hospital. Age of the patents was ranged in between 20 to 30 year. The study was aimed to find out the possible cause of taste disturbance in the post-tonsillectomy patients and obtain informed written consent prior to tonsillectomy

Keywords : Post-Tonsillectomy, Taste Disturbance, Complication.

Tonsillectomy is a very common operation to the otolaryngologist and relatively safe in expert hand. Sometimes it bothers the surgeon for its acute and chronic post-operative complications like reactionary hemorrhage, throat pain, referred otalgia, dehydration, velopharyngeal incmpetnce, burns of uvula, soft-tissue injury, dento-mandibular trauma, and respiratory compromise. Although rare, it is often associated with altered taste and temporary or long continued loss of taste sensation. In this article, the authors reported 39 (3.9%) cases of disturbance of taste sensation among 1000 post-tonsillectomy patients during the period 2015 to 2018 in the Bangladesh medical College Hospital. Age of the patents was ranged in between 20 to 30 year. The study was aimed to find out the possible cause of taste disturbance in the post-tonsillectomy patients and obtain informed written consent prior to tonsillectomy

Keywords : Post-Tonsillectomy, Taste Disturbance, Complication.

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