Policy Framework for Supporting Methanol Production from Municipal Solid Waste: A Global Perspective

Authors : Ayesha Liaquat; Iqra Farooq; Maryum Ali; Sania Ijaz

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14591360

Abstract : The increasing challenges posed by municipal solid waste (MSW) management and rising energy demands have prompted the need for innovative solutions that integrate waste-to-energy technologies. Methanol production from MSW presents a promising pathway for sustainable energy generation, combining environmental benefits with economic potential. This paper examines global policy frameworks and their effectiveness in supporting methanol production from MSW, focusing on key enablers such as financial incentives, regulatory mechanisms and technological advancements. Comparative analysis of policies across regions highlights the best practices and identifies barriers to widespread implementation. While developed nations benefit from robust waste management systems and advanced technologies, developing countries face challenges due to limited infrastructure and policy gaps. The study underscores the necessity of cohesive international collaborations, public-private partnerships and targeted policy interventions to promote methanol production as a viable energy solution. Recommendations include fostering innovation through research grants, implementing carbon credits and streamlining regulations to create conducive environments for waste- to-methanol conversion. This framework can significantly contribute to global sustainability goals by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, addressing waste management challenges and diversifying energy sources.

Keywords : Methanol Production, Municipal Solid Waste, Policy Framework, Waste-to-Energy, Sustainable Energy.

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The increasing challenges posed by municipal solid waste (MSW) management and rising energy demands have prompted the need for innovative solutions that integrate waste-to-energy technologies. Methanol production from MSW presents a promising pathway for sustainable energy generation, combining environmental benefits with economic potential. This paper examines global policy frameworks and their effectiveness in supporting methanol production from MSW, focusing on key enablers such as financial incentives, regulatory mechanisms and technological advancements. Comparative analysis of policies across regions highlights the best practices and identifies barriers to widespread implementation. While developed nations benefit from robust waste management systems and advanced technologies, developing countries face challenges due to limited infrastructure and policy gaps. The study underscores the necessity of cohesive international collaborations, public-private partnerships and targeted policy interventions to promote methanol production as a viable energy solution. Recommendations include fostering innovation through research grants, implementing carbon credits and streamlining regulations to create conducive environments for waste- to-methanol conversion. This framework can significantly contribute to global sustainability goals by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, addressing waste management challenges and diversifying energy sources.

Keywords : Methanol Production, Municipal Solid Waste, Policy Framework, Waste-to-Energy, Sustainable Energy.

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