Authors :
G.Rekha, Dr. A. Leema Rose.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
Watermelon seed oil was extracted using the solvent extraction method using n hexane. Citrullus lanatus well known fruit as watermelon of family Cucurbitaceae. The fruit is consumed for cooling effect. Moreover, so many literatures suggest that it contain important phytoconstituents like vitamin C, minerals etc. Seeds contain fatty acids and have phenolic and triterpinoids. The seeds extract showed so many pharmacological activities. Phytochemical screening of the seed extracts of Citrullus lanatus indicated the presence of Alkaloids, Saponins, Tannin, Phenol,Terpenoid, Amino acids in ethanol extracts. The physicochemical properties of the oil were determined. The following parameters are Oil yield, Acid value, free fatty acid, saponification value, density, specific gravity, iodine, peroxide, refractive index, viscosity value. The seed oil of Watermelon showed good physicochemical properties and could be utilized successfully as a source of edible oil for human consumption and for industrial applications.
Keywords :
Watermelon seed oil, Solvent extraction, n-hexane, ethanol.
Watermelon seed oil was extracted using the solvent extraction method using n hexane. Citrullus lanatus well known fruit as watermelon of family Cucurbitaceae. The fruit is consumed for cooling effect. Moreover, so many literatures suggest that it contain important phytoconstituents like vitamin C, minerals etc. Seeds contain fatty acids and have phenolic and triterpinoids. The seeds extract showed so many pharmacological activities. Phytochemical screening of the seed extracts of Citrullus lanatus indicated the presence of Alkaloids, Saponins, Tannin, Phenol,Terpenoid, Amino acids in ethanol extracts. The physicochemical properties of the oil were determined. The following parameters are Oil yield, Acid value, free fatty acid, saponification value, density, specific gravity, iodine, peroxide, refractive index, viscosity value. The seed oil of Watermelon showed good physicochemical properties and could be utilized successfully as a source of edible oil for human consumption and for industrial applications.
Keywords :
Watermelon seed oil, Solvent extraction, n-hexane, ethanol.