Authors :
Irène Itoua, Franchelle Constance Bakeni Moukani, Jocelyne Laurence Renée Dhellot, Daniel Massamba, Zacharie Mboungou.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
The objective of this study is to characterize and optimize the flavor of the Ntoba mbodi to contribute to the basic knowledge needed to master the sensory properties of the product. Methodology: a study in 2018 on the sheets of manihot esculenta crantz and manihot Glaziovii fermented (Ntoba mbodi). These sheets were age 2 to 3 months. We determined the ash and water content. The potential for the content of hydrogen and titratable acidity of 10 samples, using or combining chemical raw materials and various materials in the laboratory. A panel of 31 students was set month training on different answers on the day of the sensory evaluation on: the color, smell or aroma and taste. During the tasting, a panel was set up this to taste these different samples of (A, B and C). Results: physicochemical aspects, the potential of hydrogen ranged on average between 6.5 and 7.6. The water content was 70.6 – 80.6% and 8.1 – 9.7% in ash. Sensory: light green: 74.1%. Smell of fermented: 93.54%; sweet: 41.9%. Smooth and soft: 35.45%; rubber: 80.64% and Nice: 51.66%. The analysis of variance of the tests of the hedonic variables was not significant p≤0.05. All in all, the Ntoba mbodi is a food fermented potential of hydrogen alkaline food containing very beneficial lactic bacteria for the digestive system in humans. This production is not the level of instruction, but only the know-how. It would be necessary to drink more to avoid cancer.
Keywords :
Physicochemical characteristics, sensory, fermentation, Ntoba mbodi, potential hydrogen.
The objective of this study is to characterize and optimize the flavor of the Ntoba mbodi to contribute to the basic knowledge needed to master the sensory properties of the product. Methodology: a study in 2018 on the sheets of manihot esculenta crantz and manihot Glaziovii fermented (Ntoba mbodi). These sheets were age 2 to 3 months. We determined the ash and water content. The potential for the content of hydrogen and titratable acidity of 10 samples, using or combining chemical raw materials and various materials in the laboratory. A panel of 31 students was set month training on different answers on the day of the sensory evaluation on: the color, smell or aroma and taste. During the tasting, a panel was set up this to taste these different samples of (A, B and C). Results: physicochemical aspects, the potential of hydrogen ranged on average between 6.5 and 7.6. The water content was 70.6 – 80.6% and 8.1 – 9.7% in ash. Sensory: light green: 74.1%. Smell of fermented: 93.54%; sweet: 41.9%. Smooth and soft: 35.45%; rubber: 80.64% and Nice: 51.66%. The analysis of variance of the tests of the hedonic variables was not significant p≤0.05. All in all, the Ntoba mbodi is a food fermented potential of hydrogen alkaline food containing very beneficial lactic bacteria for the digestive system in humans. This production is not the level of instruction, but only the know-how. It would be necessary to drink more to avoid cancer.
Keywords :
Physicochemical characteristics, sensory, fermentation, Ntoba mbodi, potential hydrogen.