Pharmacy Education in Selected Countries from the Western Pacific Region: Status Quo and Moving Ahead

Authors : Elizabeth Yu Tan; Erwin Martinez Faller

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : The pharmacy profession is dependent on the nation’s pharmacy education. How the professional practices and roles are carried out and made available for the graduates are influenced by the education which equips them with knowledge, skills, and attitude to be workplace ready. However, pharmacy education is also shaped by the professional practices and roles. The workplaces can shape education in terms of indicating demands for jobs and positions. As the roles of professional practice is governed by the health care needs of a country, pharmacy education can vary from nation to nation. The International Pharmaceutical Federation has issued a document calling on schools of pharmacy to craft a program that is responsive to the health care needs of its country. The Western Pacific Region is an interesting mix of developed and developing nations with differences in health care system, health care needs, and resources. Collaboration and learning opportunities to share best practices is possible in this region to further augment the education practices to improve professional pharmacy practice in each other’s countries.

Keywords : Pharmacy Curriculum, Pharmacy Education, Western Pacific Region.

The pharmacy profession is dependent on the nation’s pharmacy education. How the professional practices and roles are carried out and made available for the graduates are influenced by the education which equips them with knowledge, skills, and attitude to be workplace ready. However, pharmacy education is also shaped by the professional practices and roles. The workplaces can shape education in terms of indicating demands for jobs and positions. As the roles of professional practice is governed by the health care needs of a country, pharmacy education can vary from nation to nation. The International Pharmaceutical Federation has issued a document calling on schools of pharmacy to craft a program that is responsive to the health care needs of its country. The Western Pacific Region is an interesting mix of developed and developing nations with differences in health care system, health care needs, and resources. Collaboration and learning opportunities to share best practices is possible in this region to further augment the education practices to improve professional pharmacy practice in each other’s countries.

Keywords : Pharmacy Curriculum, Pharmacy Education, Western Pacific Region.

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