Personality Classification with Data Mining

Authors : Gaurav R. Savant

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Personality of a person decide whether he can play the role of leader, influence people around, master in communication skills, do collaborative work, able to do negotiateiation in business and handle stress. Personality describes human features that decides how people deal with world around. personal behaviour features can be used for deciding a person’s personality based on his/her personality traits. Narcissist person is having features like seeking attention, over selfimportance, lack of empathy for other people around. Using big five personality traits, whether a person is narcissist can be determine. By knowing the level of narcissism with the combination of five personality traits personality types like modest, semi modest, confident, somewhat overconfident, overconfident can be predicted with APC. Data consists of answers to 40 different questions, along with their scores, which are used to evaluate Narcissistic Personalities. Later when user answers a questionnaire related with big five personality traits, ensemble learner does the prediction and system will show the personality of user. This learning can classify/predict user personality based on past classifications.This system can be use in organizations, agencies where they recruitcandidates depending upon their personality features along with technical knowledge. Thispaperproposes a system which brings out the personality of an candidate. Personality classification refers to the psychological classification of various styles of individual. This project deals with the areas wherever it determines the characteristics of someone. It is often useful to classify person mistreatment temperament classification mistreatment information mining approach. During this paper, aim is to alter the personality prediction of the users by taking a mental test using 40 questions related to five personality traits. The system uses ensemble classification algorithmic rule. The analysis is finished vast knowledge of information in data set and is been compared with the user input. This paper in the main focuses on multi classification.

Keywords : Personality classification, Narcissism, APC

Personality of a person decide whether he can play the role of leader, influence people around, master in communication skills, do collaborative work, able to do negotiateiation in business and handle stress. Personality describes human features that decides how people deal with world around. personal behaviour features can be used for deciding a person’s personality based on his/her personality traits. Narcissist person is having features like seeking attention, over selfimportance, lack of empathy for other people around. Using big five personality traits, whether a person is narcissist can be determine. By knowing the level of narcissism with the combination of five personality traits personality types like modest, semi modest, confident, somewhat overconfident, overconfident can be predicted with APC. Data consists of answers to 40 different questions, along with their scores, which are used to evaluate Narcissistic Personalities. Later when user answers a questionnaire related with big five personality traits, ensemble learner does the prediction and system will show the personality of user. This learning can classify/predict user personality based on past classifications.This system can be use in organizations, agencies where they recruitcandidates depending upon their personality features along with technical knowledge. Thispaperproposes a system which brings out the personality of an candidate. Personality classification refers to the psychological classification of various styles of individual. This project deals with the areas wherever it determines the characteristics of someone. It is often useful to classify person mistreatment temperament classification mistreatment information mining approach. During this paper, aim is to alter the personality prediction of the users by taking a mental test using 40 questions related to five personality traits. The system uses ensemble classification algorithmic rule. The analysis is finished vast knowledge of information in data set and is been compared with the user input. This paper in the main focuses on multi classification.

Keywords : Personality classification, Narcissism, APC

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