Authors :
A.C. Apata; A.A. Adekoya; U.U. Imoh
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 3 - March
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Abstract :
The Ilaro to Papa Alanto highway is a major
transportation route in the industrial complex of Portland
cement manufacturing axis of Ogun State, Nigeria.
Several years of studies and the observation ofthe rate and
mode of the highways destabilization or failures prompted
the necessityto carry out series geotechnical investigation
of the various factor causing the failure, in order tooffer
appropriate solutions for the failures and utilize the
results of the investigation as credible basis for assisting
the evolution of Nigeria standards for highway design. At
present, no reliable standards exist in Nigeria, as current
standards are generally considered inadequate. The Ilaro
- Papa Alanto highway is a typical example of this
unfortunate scenario. The present axle load is 505 heavy
vehicle traffic which cannot be supported by the road
pavement thickness of 120mm. Papa Alanto subbase has
high Liquid Limit of 40% and Plasticity Index of 25%
while Ilaro 50 %and 15% respectively. Both fall below the
minimum requirement for road pavement of 35% for
liquid limit and 12% for Plasticity Index. The soaked
CBR of the Ilaro and Papa Alanto subgradeand subbase
are 6.29% and 8.99% and 3.08% and 9.32% respectively.
The increase in CBR reduced the required pavement
thickness from 550mm to 50mm (1100% decrease) and
reduced the cost of pavement construction from N8billion
to N753million.
Keywords :
Road failures, Highway, Geotechnical, Techniques, Engineering Properties and Terralite.
The Ilaro to Papa Alanto highway is a major
transportation route in the industrial complex of Portland
cement manufacturing axis of Ogun State, Nigeria.
Several years of studies and the observation ofthe rate and
mode of the highways destabilization or failures prompted
the necessityto carry out series geotechnical investigation
of the various factor causing the failure, in order tooffer
appropriate solutions for the failures and utilize the
results of the investigation as credible basis for assisting
the evolution of Nigeria standards for highway design. At
present, no reliable standards exist in Nigeria, as current
standards are generally considered inadequate. The Ilaro
- Papa Alanto highway is a typical example of this
unfortunate scenario. The present axle load is 505 heavy
vehicle traffic which cannot be supported by the road
pavement thickness of 120mm. Papa Alanto subbase has
high Liquid Limit of 40% and Plasticity Index of 25%
while Ilaro 50 %and 15% respectively. Both fall below the
minimum requirement for road pavement of 35% for
liquid limit and 12% for Plasticity Index. The soaked
CBR of the Ilaro and Papa Alanto subgradeand subbase
are 6.29% and 8.99% and 3.08% and 9.32% respectively.
The increase in CBR reduced the required pavement
thickness from 550mm to 50mm (1100% decrease) and
reduced the cost of pavement construction from N8billion
to N753million.
Keywords :
Road failures, Highway, Geotechnical, Techniques, Engineering Properties and Terralite.