Partnership Agreement for Business Actors in Improving the Economy in Indonesia

Authors : Kasmawati

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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Abstract : Partnership agreement is an agreement made by two or more parties with the aim of committing to improve the business. In the business world, partnership agreements cannot be separated from various things that will support the creation of a pro-MSME national economy. Partnership agreements in the world of business competition are considered as a form of instrument in developing existing businesses. Thus in every existing company there must be a partnership agreement with the government and the community. The partnership agreement has a model that can be used as legal and social force. So that partnerships have the meaning as the moral responsibility of medium or large entrepreneurs to guide and foster their partner small entrepreneurs in the form of cooperation carried out to further empower small businesses so that they can grow and develop so that they are able to become reliable partners to attract mutual benefits and prosperity. Partnerships also strengthen efficient and productive market and business competition mechanisms. For small businesses, partnerships are clearly beneficial because they can also benefit from the market, capital, technology, management, and entrepreneurship controlled by large businesses. Large businesses can also take advantage of the flexibility and agility of small businesses. Partnership is a business cooperation between small and medium-sized businesses or large businesses accompanied by guidance and development by medium-sized businesses or large businesses by taking into account the principles of mutual need, mutual need, mutual strengthening and mutual benefit. The development of a business owned by the community is the implementation of a partnership agreement that always supports the community's business, especially in Indonesia.

Keywords : Agreement, Partnership, Business Actor, Economy

Partnership agreement is an agreement made by two or more parties with the aim of committing to improve the business. In the business world, partnership agreements cannot be separated from various things that will support the creation of a pro-MSME national economy. Partnership agreements in the world of business competition are considered as a form of instrument in developing existing businesses. Thus in every existing company there must be a partnership agreement with the government and the community. The partnership agreement has a model that can be used as legal and social force. So that partnerships have the meaning as the moral responsibility of medium or large entrepreneurs to guide and foster their partner small entrepreneurs in the form of cooperation carried out to further empower small businesses so that they can grow and develop so that they are able to become reliable partners to attract mutual benefits and prosperity. Partnerships also strengthen efficient and productive market and business competition mechanisms. For small businesses, partnerships are clearly beneficial because they can also benefit from the market, capital, technology, management, and entrepreneurship controlled by large businesses. Large businesses can also take advantage of the flexibility and agility of small businesses. Partnership is a business cooperation between small and medium-sized businesses or large businesses accompanied by guidance and development by medium-sized businesses or large businesses by taking into account the principles of mutual need, mutual need, mutual strengthening and mutual benefit. The development of a business owned by the community is the implementation of a partnership agreement that always supports the community's business, especially in Indonesia.

Keywords : Agreement, Partnership, Business Actor, Economy

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