Parents' Career Choice: Its Impact on the Career Path of Education Students

Authors : Cheryl Beltran; Michael Jose Corpuz; Angelica Ballesteros; Kyla Mislang; Angelica Sanchez; Jercy Ayessa Visperas; Dr. Clarita Aban

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : The researchers study the impact of parents’ influence on the career path of education students in the Philippine College of Science and Technology. The researchers focused on their data gathering using a survey questionnaire from Second Year to Fourth Year Education students at the Philippine College of Science and Technology. The study found out that “Criminology” was ranked as the first pre-degree program that education students preferred to enroll in. Data reveals that education students' Reason for Adhering to their Parents' Choice in a Career Path is they know that their parents want them to become professionals someday. The result was shown that The Impact of parents’ choice on the career path of the respondents is that their children will find happiness and success in their career choice. For the recommendation Parents and students must communicate to make it possible for the parents to support and help their children as they pursue their desired degree programs. The choice of a career can affect a student's happiness and success in that field; thus, students must explain and inform their parents what they desire to pursue. Parents need to be aware that their choices regarding a child's career may have an impact on their choice in the future.

Keywords : Career Path, Parents, Influence.

The researchers study the impact of parents’ influence on the career path of education students in the Philippine College of Science and Technology. The researchers focused on their data gathering using a survey questionnaire from Second Year to Fourth Year Education students at the Philippine College of Science and Technology. The study found out that “Criminology” was ranked as the first pre-degree program that education students preferred to enroll in. Data reveals that education students' Reason for Adhering to their Parents' Choice in a Career Path is they know that their parents want them to become professionals someday. The result was shown that The Impact of parents’ choice on the career path of the respondents is that their children will find happiness and success in their career choice. For the recommendation Parents and students must communicate to make it possible for the parents to support and help their children as they pursue their desired degree programs. The choice of a career can affect a student's happiness and success in that field; thus, students must explain and inform their parents what they desire to pursue. Parents need to be aware that their choices regarding a child's career may have an impact on their choice in the future.

Keywords : Career Path, Parents, Influence.


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