Palm Boiler Ash as a Growing Medium for Oil Palm Seedlings in Pre Nursery

Authors : F. Silvi Dwi Mentari; Yuanita; Nur Hidayat; Daryono; Zainal Abidin; Roby; Haryatie Sarie

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : The growth of quality oil palm seedlings requires fertilization, because oil palm seedlings grow very quickly so they need sufficient nutrients. Boiler ash contains very useful nutrients and can be applied to oil palm seedlings as additional fertilizer or a substitute for inorganic fertilizer. This research aims to obtain a comparison of the best application of sub soil and boiler ash as a planting medium to increase the growth of oil palm seedlings by paying attention to seedling height and number of leaves. The research was carried out for 4 months, consisting of 3 levels with each level being repeated 10 times, so the total number of plants was 30 plants consisting of: PO = (control), P1 = 1 : 1 (sub soil: boiler ash), P2 = 1 : 2 (sub soil : boiler ash). The results of this research show that Treatment P2 is the best comparison by looking at the highest seed yield with the average height at the age of 30 Day after Fertilization, namely 24.91 cm and 60 Day after Fertilization, namely 37.20 cm and the average number of leaves at the age of 30 Day after Fertilization. namely 3.7 strands and 60 Day after Fertilization namely 4.7 strands.

Keywords : Boiler Ash; Oil Palm Seeds.

References :

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The growth of quality oil palm seedlings requires fertilization, because oil palm seedlings grow very quickly so they need sufficient nutrients. Boiler ash contains very useful nutrients and can be applied to oil palm seedlings as additional fertilizer or a substitute for inorganic fertilizer. This research aims to obtain a comparison of the best application of sub soil and boiler ash as a planting medium to increase the growth of oil palm seedlings by paying attention to seedling height and number of leaves. The research was carried out for 4 months, consisting of 3 levels with each level being repeated 10 times, so the total number of plants was 30 plants consisting of: PO = (control), P1 = 1 : 1 (sub soil: boiler ash), P2 = 1 : 2 (sub soil : boiler ash). The results of this research show that Treatment P2 is the best comparison by looking at the highest seed yield with the average height at the age of 30 Day after Fertilization, namely 24.91 cm and 60 Day after Fertilization, namely 37.20 cm and the average number of leaves at the age of 30 Day after Fertilization. namely 3.7 strands and 60 Day after Fertilization namely 4.7 strands.

Keywords : Boiler Ash; Oil Palm Seeds.

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