Oriental Herbal as Foliar Nutrients on Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Production

Authors : Clint Jay M. Lasco; Abdani D. Bandera

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3m25rxJ

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG716

Abstract : The experiment was conducted at the College of Agriculture- Laboratory, Mindanao State UniversityMarawi City. Objective of the study is to determine the effects of Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN) on the growth and yield performance of lettuce. Treatments are: T1 (Garlic), T2 (Ginger), T3 (Black Pepper), T4 (Onion), and T5 (Control) with a dilution rate of concoction of 1 tbsp. OHN: 1 liter of water. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Plant height, number of leaves developed, pest incidence, insect damage rate, weight per plant, and yield per plot were measured. Result showed that the highest treatment mean (6.32 cm.) was recorded in T4 and the lowest (4.03 cm.) was in T5 which revealed a highly significant effect. The highest treatment mean (5.17) for the number of leaves was found in T4 and the lowest (3.89) was observed in T5. In the case of insect damage rate, the highest treatment mean scale of 1.98 was obtained in T5 and the lowest (1.31) was observed in T3. In addition, the highest treatment mean (4.91) for pest incidence was observed in T5 and the lowest (2.08) was found in T1 which showed a highly significant result as well. In addition, the weight per plant revealed the highest treatment mean (49.25) in T4 and the lowest (29.41) was observed in T5. Study revealed that the highest and lowest yield per plot with 4.15 and 2.57 treatment mean were observed in T4 and T5, respectively. In this experiment, the application of OHN significantly influences the growth and yield performance of lettuce.

Keywords : Lettuce, Oriental Herbal, Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)

The experiment was conducted at the College of Agriculture- Laboratory, Mindanao State UniversityMarawi City. Objective of the study is to determine the effects of Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN) on the growth and yield performance of lettuce. Treatments are: T1 (Garlic), T2 (Ginger), T3 (Black Pepper), T4 (Onion), and T5 (Control) with a dilution rate of concoction of 1 tbsp. OHN: 1 liter of water. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Plant height, number of leaves developed, pest incidence, insect damage rate, weight per plant, and yield per plot were measured. Result showed that the highest treatment mean (6.32 cm.) was recorded in T4 and the lowest (4.03 cm.) was in T5 which revealed a highly significant effect. The highest treatment mean (5.17) for the number of leaves was found in T4 and the lowest (3.89) was observed in T5. In the case of insect damage rate, the highest treatment mean scale of 1.98 was obtained in T5 and the lowest (1.31) was observed in T3. In addition, the highest treatment mean (4.91) for pest incidence was observed in T5 and the lowest (2.08) was found in T1 which showed a highly significant result as well. In addition, the weight per plant revealed the highest treatment mean (49.25) in T4 and the lowest (29.41) was observed in T5. Study revealed that the highest and lowest yield per plot with 4.15 and 2.57 treatment mean were observed in T4 and T5, respectively. In this experiment, the application of OHN significantly influences the growth and yield performance of lettuce.

Keywords : Lettuce, Oriental Herbal, Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)

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