Organizational Cyber-Security Measures During COVID-19 Epidemic

Authors : Dr. Fernando Wangila

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : The COVID-19 epidemic, from an organizational perspective, has created the need for organizations to introduce VDI systems that allows employees to work remotely in line with the requirements of government regulation to curb its spread. However, these new measures make the networks systems of organizations vulnerable top cyber attacks due to loopholes created the new remote access protocols. Therefore, it is important for entities to establish new cyber security measures that reduce the risk levels of the organizations. These include NSPs, Malware and Ransom protection software and Restricted Access user control systems. If organizations put in place these measures, they will help to ensure that they work efficiently with minimal risks to these attacks.

The COVID-19 epidemic, from an organizational perspective, has created the need for organizations to introduce VDI systems that allows employees to work remotely in line with the requirements of government regulation to curb its spread. However, these new measures make the networks systems of organizations vulnerable top cyber attacks due to loopholes created the new remote access protocols. Therefore, it is important for entities to establish new cyber security measures that reduce the risk levels of the organizations. These include NSPs, Malware and Ransom protection software and Restricted Access user control systems. If organizations put in place these measures, they will help to ensure that they work efficiently with minimal risks to these attacks.

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