Organizational Culture Analysis in Improving Employee Performance at PT Jamkrindo Tanjungpinang Branch Office

Authors : Meria Solina; Dr. Rudi Subiyakto; Dr. Okparizan

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : This research is entitled: Analysis of Organizational Culture in Improving Employee Performance at PT Jamkrindo Tanjungpinang Branch Office. The purpose of this research is to determine the organizational culture used by the management of PT Jamkrindo Tanjungpinang Branch Office in improving the performance of its employees so that it can increase the productivity of the company concerned. Apart from that, the purpose of this research is also to find out what factors are obstacles in implementing the organizational culture implemented by the company. The researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach method so that all data obtained were based on observations, documentation and interview results for further analysis and explanation and conclusions were drawn. In this research, researchers used Robbins Theory (2009) which measures Organizational Culture variables with 7 (seven) indicators, namely (1) Innovation and Risk Taking; (2) Attention to Detail; (3) Results Orientation; (4) Orientation towards Individuals; (5) Team Orientation; (6) Aggressiveness; and, (7) Stability. Meanwhile, in measuring employee performance variables, researchers use the Mathis and Jackson (2002) theoretical approach, which measures employee performance in 5 (five) indicators. Namely: (1) Output Quantity; (2) Output Quality; (3) Accuracy; (4) Attendance at Work; and (5) Cooperative Attitude. The results of the research prove that the management of PT Jamkrindo Tanjungpinang Branch Office has implemented Organizational Culture well in accordance with previously established standard operational procedures, namely the AKHLAK organizational culture. This organizational culture is commonly implemented by all State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) including the management of PT Jamkrindo Tanjungpinang Branch Office.

Keywords : Organizational Culture, Employee Performance, Company Productivity, Public Management.

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This research is entitled: Analysis of Organizational Culture in Improving Employee Performance at PT Jamkrindo Tanjungpinang Branch Office. The purpose of this research is to determine the organizational culture used by the management of PT Jamkrindo Tanjungpinang Branch Office in improving the performance of its employees so that it can increase the productivity of the company concerned. Apart from that, the purpose of this research is also to find out what factors are obstacles in implementing the organizational culture implemented by the company. The researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach method so that all data obtained were based on observations, documentation and interview results for further analysis and explanation and conclusions were drawn. In this research, researchers used Robbins Theory (2009) which measures Organizational Culture variables with 7 (seven) indicators, namely (1) Innovation and Risk Taking; (2) Attention to Detail; (3) Results Orientation; (4) Orientation towards Individuals; (5) Team Orientation; (6) Aggressiveness; and, (7) Stability. Meanwhile, in measuring employee performance variables, researchers use the Mathis and Jackson (2002) theoretical approach, which measures employee performance in 5 (five) indicators. Namely: (1) Output Quantity; (2) Output Quality; (3) Accuracy; (4) Attendance at Work; and (5) Cooperative Attitude. The results of the research prove that the management of PT Jamkrindo Tanjungpinang Branch Office has implemented Organizational Culture well in accordance with previously established standard operational procedures, namely the AKHLAK organizational culture. This organizational culture is commonly implemented by all State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) including the management of PT Jamkrindo Tanjungpinang Branch Office.

Keywords : Organizational Culture, Employee Performance, Company Productivity, Public Management.

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