Oral Mucocele – A Case Presentation of Minor Salivary Gland

Authors : Dr. Vaishali Tile; Dr. Deepak Motwani; Dr. Seema Pendharkar; Dr. Kedar Kawsankar; Dr. Anuja Deshpande; Dr. Shrishti Salunke; Dr. Swamini Wath

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/2kwh9kwn

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14575933

Abstract : A mucocele is a non-cancerous cystic lesion filled with mucus, emerging from the minor salivary glands. This condition is typically known as a mucocele. Clinically, these lesions present as one or more soft, fluctuant nodules, which may vary in color from the normal hue of the oral mucosa to a deep blue. They can occur at any age and are equally prevalent in both males and females, with the highest occurrence noted during the second decade of life. Mucoceles are categorized into two types: extravasation and retention.

Keywords : Mucocele, Salivary Gland, Extravasation, Retention.

References :

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A mucocele is a non-cancerous cystic lesion filled with mucus, emerging from the minor salivary glands. This condition is typically known as a mucocele. Clinically, these lesions present as one or more soft, fluctuant nodules, which may vary in color from the normal hue of the oral mucosa to a deep blue. They can occur at any age and are equally prevalent in both males and females, with the highest occurrence noted during the second decade of life. Mucoceles are categorized into two types: extravasation and retention.

Keywords : Mucocele, Salivary Gland, Extravasation, Retention.

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