Optimization of Pyrolysis Process to Produce Biochar from Poultry Waste

Authors : Bello A; Mohammed A; Abdullahi A; Onipede E.A

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3dOzl9p

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7114901

Abstract : Recent attractions toward biochar production centered on its wide applications in this 21st century. Advocate for green environment and strategy for mitigating global warming require appreciable reduction in the concentration of carbon dioxides present in the atmosphere. Biochar, which is the solid product obtained from the carbonization of biomass can sequesters carbon in a stable carbon pool. In addition, high heating value and low emissions make biochar as the most suitable substitute for solid fossil fuels. In the context of biochar production, slow pyrolysis was identified most advantageously. However, the distribution, property and the quality of the resultant pyrolysis products are dependent on the type of feed stock and pyrolysis conditions under consideration which includes temperature, particle size, residence time and flow rate. In order to increase the yield of desired product and to maintain the products quality consistently, the pyrolysis process was optimized.This is considered one of the best quantitative tools in decision making during pyrolysis experiment. The goal was to maximize the biochar production while keeping all others within their constraints (bio-oil and biogas minimized). The computational software (Design Expert version 12.0) adopted for the optimization purpose divided the coded factor into low, mid and upper points corresponding to - 1, 0 and +1 languages as understood by computer. Temperature had its points as 300, 450 and 600 oC, flow rates were 0.5, 1.75 and 3L/mins, particle size 0.5, 1.75 and 3mm, residence time 10, 35 and 60mins and kaolin 5, 17.5 and 30%. After 46 runs, the program delivered model equations for the production of biochar and other co-products. Ultimately, after the optimization process, the optimum pyrolysis conditions for the biochar production were identified and experimented which yielded favorable results.

Recent attractions toward biochar production centered on its wide applications in this 21st century. Advocate for green environment and strategy for mitigating global warming require appreciable reduction in the concentration of carbon dioxides present in the atmosphere. Biochar, which is the solid product obtained from the carbonization of biomass can sequesters carbon in a stable carbon pool. In addition, high heating value and low emissions make biochar as the most suitable substitute for solid fossil fuels. In the context of biochar production, slow pyrolysis was identified most advantageously. However, the distribution, property and the quality of the resultant pyrolysis products are dependent on the type of feed stock and pyrolysis conditions under consideration which includes temperature, particle size, residence time and flow rate. In order to increase the yield of desired product and to maintain the products quality consistently, the pyrolysis process was optimized.This is considered one of the best quantitative tools in decision making during pyrolysis experiment. The goal was to maximize the biochar production while keeping all others within their constraints (bio-oil and biogas minimized). The computational software (Design Expert version 12.0) adopted for the optimization purpose divided the coded factor into low, mid and upper points corresponding to - 1, 0 and +1 languages as understood by computer. Temperature had its points as 300, 450 and 600 oC, flow rates were 0.5, 1.75 and 3L/mins, particle size 0.5, 1.75 and 3mm, residence time 10, 35 and 60mins and kaolin 5, 17.5 and 30%. After 46 runs, the program delivered model equations for the production of biochar and other co-products. Ultimately, after the optimization process, the optimum pyrolysis conditions for the biochar production were identified and experimented which yielded favorable results.

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