Optimization of Diesel Engine Cylinder Liner Undercut

Authors : R. R. Gajare, Prof. V.B. Ghagare

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 10 - October

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/ZMScEZ

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : Current paper presents the optimization results of diesel engine cylinder liner for marine application engines. The liners have shown cracks at the undercut area near adjustment flange between the liners in the cylinder block. This study includes the optimization liner geometry at undercut area. The paper also presents the results obtained for the distribution of stresses and temperatures in the critical areas of the cylinder liner. For calculation of Liner deformation we have considered assembly forces, Gas Pressure and gas temperature. A 2D finite element mesh is used for this study, using axisymmetric elements with reduced integration and reduces time because it is circular part. We used Abaqus 14.0 for stresses calculation and FEMFAT 5.2a for calculation of factor of safety in critical area.

Keywords : Cylinder Liner, Cylinder Block, Gas Pressure, Temperature, Abaqus 14.0, FEMFAT.

Current paper presents the optimization results of diesel engine cylinder liner for marine application engines. The liners have shown cracks at the undercut area near adjustment flange between the liners in the cylinder block. This study includes the optimization liner geometry at undercut area. The paper also presents the results obtained for the distribution of stresses and temperatures in the critical areas of the cylinder liner. For calculation of Liner deformation we have considered assembly forces, Gas Pressure and gas temperature. A 2D finite element mesh is used for this study, using axisymmetric elements with reduced integration and reduces time because it is circular part. We used Abaqus 14.0 for stresses calculation and FEMFAT 5.2a for calculation of factor of safety in critical area.

Keywords : Cylinder Liner, Cylinder Block, Gas Pressure, Temperature, Abaqus 14.0, FEMFAT.

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