Optimal Placement of Biomass Distributed Generations with Intermittent Nature of Solar and Wind Renewable Sources

Authors : Swati K. Warungase; Dr. M.V. Bhatkar

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3YH3bhn

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7730952

Abstract : - Today’s energy market having flexibility for any time transaction of electricity for buyers and sellers due to open access. There are number of reason for occurrence of contingency in transmission network like generator failure, transmission line maintenance or transaction of electricity. This contingency we can mitigate by load shedding, generator rescheduling, or by using distributed generations. Optimal placement of DGs can be finding out by using Real Power Transmission Congestion Distribution factors. In this research work, Biomass Distributed Generations optimal placement is found out with the consideration of uncertainty of solar and winds DGs. As solar and wind generation is affected by geographical location. Uncertainty of wind and solar output is analyzed by Weibull probability distribution function and Beta probability distribution function respectively. By using Multi-objective Grey Wolf Optimization, optimal size of Biomass DGs found out to minimized Voltage stability Margin and Loss Margin can be minimized. Standard IEEE-30 bus system is used to validate performance of MO-GWO.

Keywords : MO-GWO, Distributed Generations, RPTCDFs, Contingency.

- Today’s energy market having flexibility for any time transaction of electricity for buyers and sellers due to open access. There are number of reason for occurrence of contingency in transmission network like generator failure, transmission line maintenance or transaction of electricity. This contingency we can mitigate by load shedding, generator rescheduling, or by using distributed generations. Optimal placement of DGs can be finding out by using Real Power Transmission Congestion Distribution factors. In this research work, Biomass Distributed Generations optimal placement is found out with the consideration of uncertainty of solar and winds DGs. As solar and wind generation is affected by geographical location. Uncertainty of wind and solar output is analyzed by Weibull probability distribution function and Beta probability distribution function respectively. By using Multi-objective Grey Wolf Optimization, optimal size of Biomass DGs found out to minimized Voltage stability Margin and Loss Margin can be minimized. Standard IEEE-30 bus system is used to validate performance of MO-GWO.

Keywords : MO-GWO, Distributed Generations, RPTCDFs, Contingency.

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