Authors :
Govind Haldankar; Gaurav Galbal; Vikram Choudhary; Sanket Kanoja
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the major cause
of vision impairment and blindness in diabetics. Early
detection and treatments are critical in preventing
irreparable retinal damage. Manual detection of diabetic
retinopathy by an ophthalmologist takes a long time, and
patients must suffer greatly during this time. This paper
presents an automated approach for rapid DR
detection using the DenseNet-121 architecture. Our
model achieves an accuracy exceeding 80%, with a
precision score of 81% and a recall score of 86%,
indicating its high effectiveness in detecting DR.
Additionally, we developed a server-based
implementation where the trained model is deployed.
Images captured by a camera are uploaded to a cloud
server, which processes them and sends back a
diagnostic response. This study contributes to
continuing efforts to create efficient and reliable
techniques for early DR identification, resulting in
earliermanagement and better patient outcomes.
Keywords :
Diabetic Retinopathy, DenseNet Architecture, Retinal Fundus Images, Cloud Server, Real-time Screening.
References :
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Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the major cause
of vision impairment and blindness in diabetics. Early
detection and treatments are critical in preventing
irreparable retinal damage. Manual detection of diabetic
retinopathy by an ophthalmologist takes a long time, and
patients must suffer greatly during this time. This paper
presents an automated approach for rapid DR
detection using the DenseNet-121 architecture. Our
model achieves an accuracy exceeding 80%, with a
precision score of 81% and a recall score of 86%,
indicating its high effectiveness in detecting DR.
Additionally, we developed a server-based
implementation where the trained model is deployed.
Images captured by a camera are uploaded to a cloud
server, which processes them and sends back a
diagnostic response. This study contributes to
continuing efforts to create efficient and reliable
techniques for early DR identification, resulting in
earliermanagement and better patient outcomes.
Keywords :
Diabetic Retinopathy, DenseNet Architecture, Retinal Fundus Images, Cloud Server, Real-time Screening.