Novel Gas Cylinder Trolley with Ergonomic Lifting and Placement Adjustments

Authors : Angelo Acenas; Reden Pagal; Sheena Mae Seciban; Mary Rose Gigantana; Mary Darlene Rusiana; Via Necesario

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : The lack of features for a properly designed gas trolley has resulted in the manual handling of gas cylinder tanks during transference, a common yet inappropriate practice that is unsafe and physically strenuous. Using principles of mechanism, an innovative gas cylinder trolley was designed to maximize serviceability and effectiveness. To corroborate the design, a computer simulation was conducted and predicted the stress and strain concentrations at maximum load. After fabrication, the actual performance of the trolley was tested through actual usage where a user experience survey was administered to evaluate the performance of the trolley in terms of mobility, stability, safety, comfortability, and functionality. Based on the results of the survey, the overall weighted mean of the user’s satisfaction level is 4.54 which implies that the respondents were very satisfied with the trolley design. Also, there is a significant difference in the mean satisfaction level between the existing and new designs. In terms of the force required to draw the trolley on a plane surface, the new design trolley requires lesser force (128 N) as compared to the existing design (256 N). This innovation promotes the worker’s welfare and security because of features that focus on the lifting, handling, and restraining aspects. With this, safety isn’t only achieved but also the worker’s efficiency and productivity at work

Keywords : Gas Cylinder Trolley, Linear Ratchet Mechanism, Conchoidal Motion, Adjustable Handle, Stair-Climbing Wheels.

The lack of features for a properly designed gas trolley has resulted in the manual handling of gas cylinder tanks during transference, a common yet inappropriate practice that is unsafe and physically strenuous. Using principles of mechanism, an innovative gas cylinder trolley was designed to maximize serviceability and effectiveness. To corroborate the design, a computer simulation was conducted and predicted the stress and strain concentrations at maximum load. After fabrication, the actual performance of the trolley was tested through actual usage where a user experience survey was administered to evaluate the performance of the trolley in terms of mobility, stability, safety, comfortability, and functionality. Based on the results of the survey, the overall weighted mean of the user’s satisfaction level is 4.54 which implies that the respondents were very satisfied with the trolley design. Also, there is a significant difference in the mean satisfaction level between the existing and new designs. In terms of the force required to draw the trolley on a plane surface, the new design trolley requires lesser force (128 N) as compared to the existing design (256 N). This innovation promotes the worker’s welfare and security because of features that focus on the lifting, handling, and restraining aspects. With this, safety isn’t only achieved but also the worker’s efficiency and productivity at work

Keywords : Gas Cylinder Trolley, Linear Ratchet Mechanism, Conchoidal Motion, Adjustable Handle, Stair-Climbing Wheels.

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