Authors :
Priyadarshini Chaudhari; Mayur Prajapati; Nidhi Patel; Dhruv Patel; Anjali Prajapati; Khushbu Patel
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Diabetes refers to a metabolic disorder
identified by Hyperglycemia. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4
inhibitors (DPP-4 inhibitors) are also called as Gliptins
are a relatively new class of antidiabetic drugs to treat
type-2 diabetes. Analytical method development and
validation play an indispensable role in analysis and
manufacture of pharmaceuticals. The intent of this
article is to study the reported analytical methods in the
literature for assessment of Dipeptidyl peptidase- 4
inhibitors. This review covers divergent analytical
methods for the estimation of these drugs. Many
spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques are
available for the determination and evaluation of these
drugs in bulk and pharmaceutical preparation. Newly
evolved and advanced chromatographic techniques are
also available for the estimation of these drugs in
biological fluids such as Liquid Chromatography-
Tandem Mass Spectroscopy (LC- MS/MS), Gas
Chromatography- Mass Spectroscopy (GC- MS), High
Performance Liquid Chromatography- Mass
Spectroscopy (HPLC-MS) and Ultra- Fast Liquid
Chromatography (UFLC). The development and
validation of analytical methods is imperative for drug
development studies and even for the development of
drug formulation including stability and degradation
studies and also for the determination of
pharmacokinetic data of these drugs. This review work
summaries the current position of analytical methods for
estimation of these antidiabetic drugs in bulk, dosage
form and biological fluids.
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Diabetes refers to a metabolic disorder
identified by Hyperglycemia. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4
inhibitors (DPP-4 inhibitors) are also called as Gliptins
are a relatively new class of antidiabetic drugs to treat
type-2 diabetes. Analytical method development and
validation play an indispensable role in analysis and
manufacture of pharmaceuticals. The intent of this
article is to study the reported analytical methods in the
literature for assessment of Dipeptidyl peptidase- 4
inhibitors. This review covers divergent analytical
methods for the estimation of these drugs. Many
spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques are
available for the determination and evaluation of these
drugs in bulk and pharmaceutical preparation. Newly
evolved and advanced chromatographic techniques are
also available for the estimation of these drugs in
biological fluids such as Liquid Chromatography-
Tandem Mass Spectroscopy (LC- MS/MS), Gas
Chromatography- Mass Spectroscopy (GC- MS), High
Performance Liquid Chromatography- Mass
Spectroscopy (HPLC-MS) and Ultra- Fast Liquid
Chromatography (UFLC). The development and
validation of analytical methods is imperative for drug
development studies and even for the development of
drug formulation including stability and degradation
studies and also for the determination of
pharmacokinetic data of these drugs. This review work
summaries the current position of analytical methods for
estimation of these antidiabetic drugs in bulk, dosage
form and biological fluids.