Neuropsychological Cognition and Attitude Towards Mathematics as Predictors of Resilience among Mathematics Pre-service Teachers

Authors : Christine Jane B. Olivo; Romulo G. Doronio

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : Resilience is a constructive cognitive capacity that is susceptible to enhancement. It involves the intricate journey and outcome of an individual effectively adapting to arduous or demanding life circumstances, primarily through behavioral, emotional, and cognitive adaptability and accommodation to pressures originating internally and externally. The resilience of an individual plays a pivotal role in achieving professional accomplishments as it impacts aspects such as job opportunities, advancement in the workplace, and overall prospects for career growth. The main purpose of the study is to identify the variable among neuropsychological cognition and attitude towards mathematics that best predicts resilience of mathematics pre-service teachers, who are enrolled within the academic year 2023-2024 at Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology. The findings indicate a noteworthy positive association between Neuropsychological Cognition and Attitude Towards Mathematics with Resilience. Additionally, Neuropsychological Cognition emerges as the most reliable predictor of resilience among pre-service Mathematics teachers.

Keywords : Neuropsychological Cognition, Attitude Towards Mathematics, Resilience, Preservice Teachers, Linear Regression, Philippines.

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Resilience is a constructive cognitive capacity that is susceptible to enhancement. It involves the intricate journey and outcome of an individual effectively adapting to arduous or demanding life circumstances, primarily through behavioral, emotional, and cognitive adaptability and accommodation to pressures originating internally and externally. The resilience of an individual plays a pivotal role in achieving professional accomplishments as it impacts aspects such as job opportunities, advancement in the workplace, and overall prospects for career growth. The main purpose of the study is to identify the variable among neuropsychological cognition and attitude towards mathematics that best predicts resilience of mathematics pre-service teachers, who are enrolled within the academic year 2023-2024 at Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology. The findings indicate a noteworthy positive association between Neuropsychological Cognition and Attitude Towards Mathematics with Resilience. Additionally, Neuropsychological Cognition emerges as the most reliable predictor of resilience among pre-service Mathematics teachers.

Keywords : Neuropsychological Cognition, Attitude Towards Mathematics, Resilience, Preservice Teachers, Linear Regression, Philippines.

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