Authors :
Gemrex D. Breva
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 1 - January
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Abstract :
Waste was never a good part of the
Environment, but sometimes useful when it is recyclable.
It degrades our environment, modifies our climate and
creates unsuitable situation. Also, the availability of
reliable data on waste generation and composition that
serves as the basis for effective planning on waste
management in the local government unit of Magsaysay
Misamis Oriental Philippines was absent. To help obtain
this data on a local basis, selected barangays of the
municipality were recruited on the rate of waste
generation, the composition of waste by sector, sorting
and separation efficiency and per capita of waste.
Results show that the municipal generation rate from the
present population of 37, 098, was 7,790.58 kg/day with
generated waste per capita of 0.21 kg/capita/day. Also,
from the classification of the different sectors, residential
has 74.92% waste generation followed by the commercial
15.87%, institutional 8.42 %, market 0.68 % and from
hospital 0.13%. From the combined percentage of the
different sectors, biodegradable has the highest
percentage with 68.64% followed by the recyclable
16.78%, residual 13.21% and special waste 1.37%.
Keywords :
Municipal Solid Waste, Waste Management, Waste Classification. I. I
Waste was never a good part of the
Environment, but sometimes useful when it is recyclable.
It degrades our environment, modifies our climate and
creates unsuitable situation. Also, the availability of
reliable data on waste generation and composition that
serves as the basis for effective planning on waste
management in the local government unit of Magsaysay
Misamis Oriental Philippines was absent. To help obtain
this data on a local basis, selected barangays of the
municipality were recruited on the rate of waste
generation, the composition of waste by sector, sorting
and separation efficiency and per capita of waste.
Results show that the municipal generation rate from the
present population of 37, 098, was 7,790.58 kg/day with
generated waste per capita of 0.21 kg/capita/day. Also,
from the classification of the different sectors, residential
has 74.92% waste generation followed by the commercial
15.87%, institutional 8.42 %, market 0.68 % and from
hospital 0.13%. From the combined percentage of the
different sectors, biodegradable has the highest
percentage with 68.64% followed by the recyclable
16.78%, residual 13.21% and special waste 1.37%.
Keywords :
Municipal Solid Waste, Waste Management, Waste Classification. I. I