Authors :
Mikee A. Antonio; Mark Reggie S. Gomez; Dewi Marie L. Lacambra; Noel B. Agustin
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Any organization employing reward schemes can positively impact employee motivation and performance. When
employees are motivated to work at higher levels of productivity, the organization as a whole will run more efficiently and
effectively at reaching its goals. Reward schemes come in many forms, such as intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Therefore,
the organization must critically understand which reward schemes are most effective in motivating employees to perform
at their best.
This study evaluates the impact of reward schemes on employee motivation and performance at the Department of
Agriculture - Philippine Carabao Center (DA-PCC). The study aims to identify existing schemes, assess employee
perceptions, and analyze how rewards influence productivity and work quality. The study included 30 permanent employees
of the Philippine Carabao Centre (PCC) National Headquarters and Gene Pool at Science City Munoz, Nueva Ecija.
A descriptive quantitative approach was used, with surveys gathering data on employee experiences. The findings show
that both intrinsic motivators—such as recognition and personal growth opportunities—and extrinsic factors, including
salary, benefits, and job security, significantly influence employee engagement and organizational commitment.
Demographic factors like age, tenure, and position also affect perceptions of reward schemes, highlighting the need for
tailored approaches to improve effectiveness.
The study concludes that customized reward programs enhance employee satisfaction and performance.
Recommendations include balancing monetary and non-monetary rewards, improving recognition efforts, and creating
strategies that address diverse needs. This research provides a framework for optimizing reward schemes to foster a positive
work environment, boost morale, and improve service delivery.
Keywords :
Reward Schemes; Employee Motivation; Employee Performance; Employee Satisfaction.
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Any organization employing reward schemes can positively impact employee motivation and performance. When
employees are motivated to work at higher levels of productivity, the organization as a whole will run more efficiently and
effectively at reaching its goals. Reward schemes come in many forms, such as intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Therefore,
the organization must critically understand which reward schemes are most effective in motivating employees to perform
at their best.
This study evaluates the impact of reward schemes on employee motivation and performance at the Department of
Agriculture - Philippine Carabao Center (DA-PCC). The study aims to identify existing schemes, assess employee
perceptions, and analyze how rewards influence productivity and work quality. The study included 30 permanent employees
of the Philippine Carabao Centre (PCC) National Headquarters and Gene Pool at Science City Munoz, Nueva Ecija.
A descriptive quantitative approach was used, with surveys gathering data on employee experiences. The findings show
that both intrinsic motivators—such as recognition and personal growth opportunities—and extrinsic factors, including
salary, benefits, and job security, significantly influence employee engagement and organizational commitment.
Demographic factors like age, tenure, and position also affect perceptions of reward schemes, highlighting the need for
tailored approaches to improve effectiveness.
The study concludes that customized reward programs enhance employee satisfaction and performance.
Recommendations include balancing monetary and non-monetary rewards, improving recognition efforts, and creating
strategies that address diverse needs. This research provides a framework for optimizing reward schemes to foster a positive
work environment, boost morale, and improve service delivery.
Keywords :
Reward Schemes; Employee Motivation; Employee Performance; Employee Satisfaction.