Monkey B Virus: from an Exception to Precedence

Authors : Ria Patela; Jaydev Patela; Manthan Prajapatia; Kenil Choksia; PriyanshuThakera; DhruvilGajeraa; Madhav Oza

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 1 - January

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Abstract : Herpes viruses are found in the order primates which are classified into three subfamilies: alpha, beta, and gamma. Herpes Simiae (B virus) is found in rhesus long-tailed monkeys employed in scientific research. The most prevalent mode of transmission of the Monkey B virus is by contact with monkey saliva, tissues, or tissue fluids. A breach of primary skin or mucosal defences leads to human infection, followed by contamination of the site with virus from this animal. The infection affects 75% of macaques and is transferred to people having horizontal contact with macaques, showing 70% mortality. After transmission, minor flu symptoms appear, which subsequently impact various body areas with varying signs and symptoms. This infection is difficult to cure once it has progressed and entered the human host cycle since there are no or few therapeutic options available, one of which is the use of acyclovir. Without treatment, a 4:9 mortality rate has been documented in several studies. The current study updates prior guidelines for the prevention, assessment, and treatment of human B virus infection and addresses the significance of newer antiviral medicines in post-exposure prophylaxis, as well as the necessity to prioritize preventative measures when conducting scientific research

Keywords : Monkey B virus; MBV; herpesvirus simiae; encephalomyelitis; biomedical research; antiviral therapy.

Herpes viruses are found in the order primates which are classified into three subfamilies: alpha, beta, and gamma. Herpes Simiae (B virus) is found in rhesus long-tailed monkeys employed in scientific research. The most prevalent mode of transmission of the Monkey B virus is by contact with monkey saliva, tissues, or tissue fluids. A breach of primary skin or mucosal defences leads to human infection, followed by contamination of the site with virus from this animal. The infection affects 75% of macaques and is transferred to people having horizontal contact with macaques, showing 70% mortality. After transmission, minor flu symptoms appear, which subsequently impact various body areas with varying signs and symptoms. This infection is difficult to cure once it has progressed and entered the human host cycle since there are no or few therapeutic options available, one of which is the use of acyclovir. Without treatment, a 4:9 mortality rate has been documented in several studies. The current study updates prior guidelines for the prevention, assessment, and treatment of human B virus infection and addresses the significance of newer antiviral medicines in post-exposure prophylaxis, as well as the necessity to prioritize preventative measures when conducting scientific research

Keywords : Monkey B virus; MBV; herpesvirus simiae; encephalomyelitis; biomedical research; antiviral therapy.

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