Authors :
Gagana M.R, Heema Rubab, Jalaja G S, Jayanand J, Sachin K
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March
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Abstract :
Honey bees have throughout history been a
keystone species, pollinating an estimated 70 percent of
all plants and underpinning some 30 percent of the
global food supply. Because the viability of beehives is a
critical predictor of the planet’s future health and
agricultural sustainability, reports of a precipitous
decline in the number of colonies around the world have
stirred considerable alarm. Since most of the prior
contributions are focusing on data gathering, the
approach to focus on the user’s needs is central to take
next steps in the field of using sensors for Beekeeping.
Beekeepers can be divided into beekeepers having bees
as a hobbies and beekeepers that are professional,
making a living of the beekeeping. Visualization and
availability of data are key questions for user
friendliness. Since there are no standards for
measurement data from beehives, there are different
manufacturers/contributors that have their own system.
If a standard format would be available, it would make
it easier to interconnect different devices for
visualization in single user interface. If data is available
as streams in standardized application program
interface (API) a user can use whatever solution found
for visualization. The majorities of beekeepers that nonprofessional, they will probably want to have the
“relation to their bees”, using too much technology is
probably wanted, like having robots doing the actual
beekeeping work.
Keywords :
Application Program Interface (API).
Honey bees have throughout history been a
keystone species, pollinating an estimated 70 percent of
all plants and underpinning some 30 percent of the
global food supply. Because the viability of beehives is a
critical predictor of the planet’s future health and
agricultural sustainability, reports of a precipitous
decline in the number of colonies around the world have
stirred considerable alarm. Since most of the prior
contributions are focusing on data gathering, the
approach to focus on the user’s needs is central to take
next steps in the field of using sensors for Beekeeping.
Beekeepers can be divided into beekeepers having bees
as a hobbies and beekeepers that are professional,
making a living of the beekeeping. Visualization and
availability of data are key questions for user
friendliness. Since there are no standards for
measurement data from beehives, there are different
manufacturers/contributors that have their own system.
If a standard format would be available, it would make
it easier to interconnect different devices for
visualization in single user interface. If data is available
as streams in standardized application program
interface (API) a user can use whatever solution found
for visualization. The majorities of beekeepers that nonprofessional, they will probably want to have the
“relation to their bees”, using too much technology is
probably wanted, like having robots doing the actual
beekeeping work.
Keywords :
Application Program Interface (API).