Modified Atmosphere Storage of ‘Honey’ Mango by using Ca (OH)2 as Chemical Absorbent

Authors : E. Basuki, A. Prarudiyanto, I.W. Yasa, A. Alamsyah.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : Utilization of chemical absorbent in modified atmosphere storage of “Honey” mango has been carried out in order to study the physiological and enzymatic responses of mango during storage of 1, 2 and 3 weeks. Completely Randomyzed Block Design with Least Significant Different at five percents significant level were applied to combine types of packaging and chemical absorbent as followed: unpacked; Plastic of polyethylene (PE) with paper board; PE + Ca(OH)2 (300g/L) with paper board; Plastic of polypropylene (PP) with paper board and PP + Ca(OH)2 (300g/L) with paper board. Data were analysed with ANOVA and continued with LSD at five percents significant level. Respiration and ethylene productions, percentage of decay and weight loss, activity of ACC oxidase were determined at 1, 2 and 3 weeks storage. The production of ethylene and the rate of respiration of mangoes were very low as compared to unpacked mangoes. The result also indicate that decays percentage and weight loss of mangoes that stored at modified atmosphere are lower than that unpacked mangoes. Modification Atmosphere storage inhibited the physical properties, the activity of ACC oxidase, therefore, paralelled the rate of respiration and ethylene productions leads to extention the storage life of mangoes up to three weeks.

Keywords : Mango, Modified atmosphere, ACC Oxidase, Ethylene, Absorbent.

Utilization of chemical absorbent in modified atmosphere storage of “Honey” mango has been carried out in order to study the physiological and enzymatic responses of mango during storage of 1, 2 and 3 weeks. Completely Randomyzed Block Design with Least Significant Different at five percents significant level were applied to combine types of packaging and chemical absorbent as followed: unpacked; Plastic of polyethylene (PE) with paper board; PE + Ca(OH)2 (300g/L) with paper board; Plastic of polypropylene (PP) with paper board and PP + Ca(OH)2 (300g/L) with paper board. Data were analysed with ANOVA and continued with LSD at five percents significant level. Respiration and ethylene productions, percentage of decay and weight loss, activity of ACC oxidase were determined at 1, 2 and 3 weeks storage. The production of ethylene and the rate of respiration of mangoes were very low as compared to unpacked mangoes. The result also indicate that decays percentage and weight loss of mangoes that stored at modified atmosphere are lower than that unpacked mangoes. Modification Atmosphere storage inhibited the physical properties, the activity of ACC oxidase, therefore, paralelled the rate of respiration and ethylene productions leads to extention the storage life of mangoes up to three weeks.

Keywords : Mango, Modified atmosphere, ACC Oxidase, Ethylene, Absorbent.

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