Moderating Effect of Accessary Environment on Teachers’ Administrative Proficiency and Instructional Experiences in Talomo District, Davao City

Authors : Jocelyn C. Antonio

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : Elementary teachers face multifaceted challenges daily, including the need to master content and pedagogy, address diverse student needs, and manage classroom climate and behavior. Additionally, they must keep pace with growing classroom diversity and adapt to various learning needs. Developing teachers' administrative proficiency, which involves strategic planning, problem-solving, and change management, is essential for improving instructional experiences. This study investigates the moderating effect of an accessary environment—an environment that promotes self-discovery and group connection—on the relationship between teachers' administrative proficiency and instructional experiences in Talomo District, Davao City. Using a non-experimental quantitative design and descriptive correlation technique, the study surveyed 175 elementary school teachers. Findings revealed that administrative proficiency significantly correlates with instructional experiences and the accessary environment. Furthermore, the accessary environment moderates the interaction between administrative proficiency and instructional experiences, accounting for an additional 8.40% variance in instructional experiences. The study underscores the need for supportive policies and effective communication between school administrators and teachers to enhance educational practices and teacher engagement.

Keywords : Administrative Proficiency, Instructional Experiences, Accessary Environment, Teacher Engagement, Educational Practices.

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Elementary teachers face multifaceted challenges daily, including the need to master content and pedagogy, address diverse student needs, and manage classroom climate and behavior. Additionally, they must keep pace with growing classroom diversity and adapt to various learning needs. Developing teachers' administrative proficiency, which involves strategic planning, problem-solving, and change management, is essential for improving instructional experiences. This study investigates the moderating effect of an accessary environment—an environment that promotes self-discovery and group connection—on the relationship between teachers' administrative proficiency and instructional experiences in Talomo District, Davao City. Using a non-experimental quantitative design and descriptive correlation technique, the study surveyed 175 elementary school teachers. Findings revealed that administrative proficiency significantly correlates with instructional experiences and the accessary environment. Furthermore, the accessary environment moderates the interaction between administrative proficiency and instructional experiences, accounting for an additional 8.40% variance in instructional experiences. The study underscores the need for supportive policies and effective communication between school administrators and teachers to enhance educational practices and teacher engagement.

Keywords : Administrative Proficiency, Instructional Experiences, Accessary Environment, Teacher Engagement, Educational Practices.

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