Authors : Sanskruti Bhure, Divya Khandar, Shubham Surjuse, Shivam Raut.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : Netmeds is the one of the software which is used to order the medicine online , but Netmeds is not available in small cities or remote areas. Hence the customers are not aware about online medicine availability.MEDCARE is a web-application in which customers can order their medicine by uploading the picture of prescription and get the home delivery of medicine by cash on delivery.The MEDCARE solve the problem for people who live in remote areas. The people will get the service available at any time. In MEDCARE, we use the two different optimization techniques to give better result of search made by customer. These techniques are key word-Search algorithm to get the better result on the basis of medicine company, contents, weight, and manufacturing details. The second technique is RAND() i.e. the random number generation function. This algorithm is used for two purpose one is for to generate OTP for customer authentication and second is for to generate the order ID.

Keywords : Online Pharmacy, Medicines, Medicine Dictionary, Generic Medicine.

Netmeds is the one of the software which is used to order the medicine online , but Netmeds is not available in small cities or remote areas. Hence the customers are not aware about online medicine availability.MEDCARE is a web-application in which customers can order their medicine by uploading the picture of prescription and get the home delivery of medicine by cash on delivery.The MEDCARE solve the problem for people who live in remote areas. The people will get the service available at any time. In MEDCARE, we use the two different optimization techniques to give better result of search made by customer. These techniques are key word-Search algorithm to get the better result on the basis of medicine company, contents, weight, and manufacturing details. The second technique is RAND() i.e. the random number generation function. This algorithm is used for two purpose one is for to generate OTP for customer authentication and second is for to generate the order ID.

Keywords : Online Pharmacy, Medicines, Medicine Dictionary, Generic Medicine.

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