Measuring Tourist Satisfaction by Accessibility: The Case of Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Pancar Destination

Authors : Yuviani Kusumawardhani

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : - The tourism sector is a leading sector in several developed countries. This is because people's need for travel has become a primary need. However, the COVID19 pandemic that occurred in early 2020 had a major impact on the global economy. This has an impact on the number of tourist visits globally, which has decreased by 73% in 2020. The pattern of tourist travel after the COVID-19 pandemic has also changed where travel is more directed towards alternative tourism such as nature tourism. The development of tourist destinations can be done in terms of attractions, amenities, and accessibility. However, accessibility is often forgotten in the development of a destination, even though accessibility is one of the factors of tourist satisfaction. Accessibility to tourist destinations Gunung Pancar natural tourism park is still constrained by the distance and time that must be traveled from the city of Bogor. In addition, road directions to tourist destinations are still limited. Based on the above background, the purpose of this study is to measure tourist satisfaction through accessibility to tourist destinations of Mount Pancar Natural Tourism Park in Bogor Regency. The research method used is a quantitative approach with a simple regression analysis tool. Respondents used in this study were tourists who had visited the Mount Pancar natural tourism park. The results show that accessibility can be used to measure tourist satisfaction because it is proven that accessibility has a positive and significant effect on tourist satisfaction. Future research that can be done is to analyze aspects of the development of tourist destinations which consist of attractions, amenities, and accessibility, which aspects have the most influence on tourist satisfaction in Gunung Pancar Natural Tourism Park, so that managers can focus on aspects that are still not good based on tourist perspective.

Keywords : Accessibility, Tourist Satisfaction, Nature Tourism

- The tourism sector is a leading sector in several developed countries. This is because people's need for travel has become a primary need. However, the COVID19 pandemic that occurred in early 2020 had a major impact on the global economy. This has an impact on the number of tourist visits globally, which has decreased by 73% in 2020. The pattern of tourist travel after the COVID-19 pandemic has also changed where travel is more directed towards alternative tourism such as nature tourism. The development of tourist destinations can be done in terms of attractions, amenities, and accessibility. However, accessibility is often forgotten in the development of a destination, even though accessibility is one of the factors of tourist satisfaction. Accessibility to tourist destinations Gunung Pancar natural tourism park is still constrained by the distance and time that must be traveled from the city of Bogor. In addition, road directions to tourist destinations are still limited. Based on the above background, the purpose of this study is to measure tourist satisfaction through accessibility to tourist destinations of Mount Pancar Natural Tourism Park in Bogor Regency. The research method used is a quantitative approach with a simple regression analysis tool. Respondents used in this study were tourists who had visited the Mount Pancar natural tourism park. The results show that accessibility can be used to measure tourist satisfaction because it is proven that accessibility has a positive and significant effect on tourist satisfaction. Future research that can be done is to analyze aspects of the development of tourist destinations which consist of attractions, amenities, and accessibility, which aspects have the most influence on tourist satisfaction in Gunung Pancar Natural Tourism Park, so that managers can focus on aspects that are still not good based on tourist perspective.

Keywords : Accessibility, Tourist Satisfaction, Nature Tourism

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