Marketing Mix Concept-APPLE

Authors : Amay RaJ Jaiswal.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : In today’s scenario marketing mix is generally used by companies after segmentation to make people perceive their organization/ product in a different way. There are four major tools used in marketing mix known as (4p’s)  Price  Product  Place  Promotion In addition to about tools four other tools are added to represent holistic marketing concept that encompasses the modern marketing realities.  People  Process  Programs  Performances This paper represents research done on the first private company in US to cross 1 trillion$ valuation (APPLE) with the help of marketing mix concept to drawn conclusions about how people perceive Apple as a brand and what measures Apple must take to improve its brand image and revenue.

In today’s scenario marketing mix is generally used by companies after segmentation to make people perceive their organization/ product in a different way. There are four major tools used in marketing mix known as (4p’s)  Price  Product  Place  Promotion In addition to about tools four other tools are added to represent holistic marketing concept that encompasses the modern marketing realities.  People  Process  Programs  Performances This paper represents research done on the first private company in US to cross 1 trillion$ valuation (APPLE) with the help of marketing mix concept to drawn conclusions about how people perceive Apple as a brand and what measures Apple must take to improve its brand image and revenue.

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