Authors :
Cindy Audria YunitaS.Psi; Dr. Hally Welliangan
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative
impact on the Indonesian economy. As a result, many
employees have been laid off on a large scale. The family
economy that was disrupted due to layoffs also had an
impact on marital relations. This study aims to see a
picture of marital satisfaction in wives with their
husbands being laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The method used in this research is descriptive
quantitative. Sampling was carried out using the
Snowball Sampling technique. The reliability test was
carried out using Cronbach's alpha technique. The
subjects in this study were 100 wives who did not work
with their husbands being laid off. The results of the
empirical mean calculation in this study show that
marital satisfaction between wives and husbands who
have been laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic is in a
low category. Marital satisfaction in this study includes
aspects of conflict management, joint decision making,
and aspects of communication quality, which are in the
low category, while aspects of trust, respect, empathy,
and equality are in the very low category. Then the
aspects of sexual and psychological intimacy are in the
medium category.
Keywords :
Marital satisfaction, Covid-19 pandemic, wives with unemployed.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative
impact on the Indonesian economy. As a result, many
employees have been laid off on a large scale. The family
economy that was disrupted due to layoffs also had an
impact on marital relations. This study aims to see a
picture of marital satisfaction in wives with their
husbands being laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The method used in this research is descriptive
quantitative. Sampling was carried out using the
Snowball Sampling technique. The reliability test was
carried out using Cronbach's alpha technique. The
subjects in this study were 100 wives who did not work
with their husbands being laid off. The results of the
empirical mean calculation in this study show that
marital satisfaction between wives and husbands who
have been laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic is in a
low category. Marital satisfaction in this study includes
aspects of conflict management, joint decision making,
and aspects of communication quality, which are in the
low category, while aspects of trust, respect, empathy,
and equality are in the very low category. Then the
aspects of sexual and psychological intimacy are in the
medium category.
Keywords :
Marital satisfaction, Covid-19 pandemic, wives with unemployed.