Authors :
Dr. Rupesh Kumar Dubey, Dr. K.N.Singh, Dr. B.K.Singh
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 1 - January
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Abstract :
Manganese ore with reference of hand
specimen ore mineral study of Kajalidongri Mines
Jhabua district Madhya Pradesh. All the above minerals
are normally associated with Gondite. The Gondites
scarcely exhibit good schistosity and the minerals
generally do not have any linear arrangement. In
Gondites, braunite, rhodonite, and other manganese
silicates are often interbanded with quartz or manganese
oxides minerals. Such bands of Gondites often exhibit
small scale folds. Certain bands are composed of
rhodonite or spessartite and veins from such rhodonite
bands often transgress the other bands. The manganese
amphiboles and the micas are mostly aligned in bands
and they rarely impart a foliated appearance to the
Keywords :
Series, Gondite, Manganese, Ore Minerals.
Manganese ore with reference of hand
specimen ore mineral study of Kajalidongri Mines
Jhabua district Madhya Pradesh. All the above minerals
are normally associated with Gondite. The Gondites
scarcely exhibit good schistosity and the minerals
generally do not have any linear arrangement. In
Gondites, braunite, rhodonite, and other manganese
silicates are often interbanded with quartz or manganese
oxides minerals. Such bands of Gondites often exhibit
small scale folds. Certain bands are composed of
rhodonite or spessartite and veins from such rhodonite
bands often transgress the other bands. The manganese
amphiboles and the micas are mostly aligned in bands
and they rarely impart a foliated appearance to the
Keywords :
Series, Gondite, Manganese, Ore Minerals.