Managerial Leadership Styles and Employee Performance of Kumala Motor Sejahtera Makassar

Authors : Lita Limpo, Thomas Th. Abraham.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The study aims is to investigate maagerial leadership styles in PT. Kumala Motor Sejahtera Makassar managerial team and then test whether the leadership style influence on employee performance of the firm. Using simple random sampling method, 55 respondents were selected from the firm. Data collected using questionnaire. The results reveal directive leadership is dominant style applied followed by a supportive leadership style. The hypothesis test shows that the leadership styles has a positive influence on performance of the Kumala Motor Sejahtera Makassar.

Keywords : Leader, Employee, Performance, Makassar.

The study aims is to investigate maagerial leadership styles in PT. Kumala Motor Sejahtera Makassar managerial team and then test whether the leadership style influence on employee performance of the firm. Using simple random sampling method, 55 respondents were selected from the firm. Data collected using questionnaire. The results reveal directive leadership is dominant style applied followed by a supportive leadership style. The hypothesis test shows that the leadership styles has a positive influence on performance of the Kumala Motor Sejahtera Makassar.

Keywords : Leader, Employee, Performance, Makassar.

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