Makerspace as Emerging Technology and Innovation in Academic Libraries: A Call for Adoption in Abubakar Tafawa University Library Bauchi

Authors : Suleiman Abdullahi, Mnla, cln; Abdullahi A. Dewa

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG302

Abstract : This study was conducted to examine makerspace as emerging technology and innovation in academic libraries: a call for adoption in ATBU library, Bauchi. Bauchi state, Nigeria. The population of the study comprised of 26 ATBU academic librarians.Survey research method was adopted for the study. Questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. Frequency counts and simple percentages were used in analysing the data collected. The study revealed that academic librarians of ATBU are unaware of makerspace as a new emerging technology and as such a call for its adoption is paramount. Highlight of some benefits for adoption of makerspace in libraries were made which includes, Increased motivation of academic librarians and students, enhanced learning activity among academic librarians and users, and create interdisciplinary teamwork among the academic librarians and library users. The study recommended among others, Academic librarians should embrace the new emerging technology and participate fully through training on the new technology and bring about the development of Makerspace in their libraries. This will also go a long way in creating and sharing of new ideas among themselves

Keywords : Makerspace, Technology, Innovation, Academic Librarie

This study was conducted to examine makerspace as emerging technology and innovation in academic libraries: a call for adoption in ATBU library, Bauchi. Bauchi state, Nigeria. The population of the study comprised of 26 ATBU academic librarians.Survey research method was adopted for the study. Questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. Frequency counts and simple percentages were used in analysing the data collected. The study revealed that academic librarians of ATBU are unaware of makerspace as a new emerging technology and as such a call for its adoption is paramount. Highlight of some benefits for adoption of makerspace in libraries were made which includes, Increased motivation of academic librarians and students, enhanced learning activity among academic librarians and users, and create interdisciplinary teamwork among the academic librarians and library users. The study recommended among others, Academic librarians should embrace the new emerging technology and participate fully through training on the new technology and bring about the development of Makerspace in their libraries. This will also go a long way in creating and sharing of new ideas among themselves

Keywords : Makerspace, Technology, Innovation, Academic Librarie

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