Loss Classification Analysis in Wireless Networks

Authors : Mohammad Ummer Chopan, Pooja, Amit Upadahay.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2JzscJv

Abstract : Congestion control mechanism in wireless networks in vogue has been studied extensively over the past decade with the sole aim of improving the performance over the wireless links. With the extensive increase in the use of wireless technology, the idea of improving the TCP performance has widely gained currency. In this paper we are going to present an approach of loss classification for enhancing the TCP performance in wireless networks.

Keywords : Loss Classification, Machine Learning, TCP, Wireless Networks

Congestion control mechanism in wireless networks in vogue has been studied extensively over the past decade with the sole aim of improving the performance over the wireless links. With the extensive increase in the use of wireless technology, the idea of improving the TCP performance has widely gained currency. In this paper we are going to present an approach of loss classification for enhancing the TCP performance in wireless networks.

Keywords : Loss Classification, Machine Learning, TCP, Wireless Networks

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