Authors :
Mohammed Bello Suleiman; Romanus Robinson; Muhammad Ubale Kiru
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Reverse brute force attacks pose a significant
threat to the security of online systems, where
adversaries attempt to gain unauthorized access by
systematically testing a multitude of username and
password combinations against a single account. To
address this challenge, the research presents an
innovative Long-Short Term Memory Network based
model designed to detect such attacks. The model utilizes
LSTM algorithms to analyze login attempt patterns,
identifying anomalies that may indicate reverse brute
force attacks. By examining various factors like user
login behavior, IP address, and time-based patterns, the
model distinguishes legitimate access attempts from
potential attacks with high accuracy. It incorporates
real-time threat intelligence feeds and historical data
analysis to continuously adapt and improve its detection
capabilities. The model dynamically adjusts security
parameters, enforces account lockouts, and
communicates with firewall systems to block suspicious
IP addresses, thus providing a proactive response to
thwart attacks. The research evaluates the effectiveness
of the AI model through simulated and real-world testing
scenarios, demonstrating a significant reduction in false
positives and successful prevention of reverse brute force
attacks. Overall, the developed AI model offers a
sophisticated and proactive solution to the evolving
threat of reverse brute force attacks, contributing to the
advancement of cybersecurity measures.
Keywords :
Reverse Brute Force Attacks, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Proactive Response Mechanism, LSTM.
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Reverse brute force attacks pose a significant
threat to the security of online systems, where
adversaries attempt to gain unauthorized access by
systematically testing a multitude of username and
password combinations against a single account. To
address this challenge, the research presents an
innovative Long-Short Term Memory Network based
model designed to detect such attacks. The model utilizes
LSTM algorithms to analyze login attempt patterns,
identifying anomalies that may indicate reverse brute
force attacks. By examining various factors like user
login behavior, IP address, and time-based patterns, the
model distinguishes legitimate access attempts from
potential attacks with high accuracy. It incorporates
real-time threat intelligence feeds and historical data
analysis to continuously adapt and improve its detection
capabilities. The model dynamically adjusts security
parameters, enforces account lockouts, and
communicates with firewall systems to block suspicious
IP addresses, thus providing a proactive response to
thwart attacks. The research evaluates the effectiveness
of the AI model through simulated and real-world testing
scenarios, demonstrating a significant reduction in false
positives and successful prevention of reverse brute force
attacks. Overall, the developed AI model offers a
sophisticated and proactive solution to the evolving
threat of reverse brute force attacks, contributing to the
advancement of cybersecurity measures.
Keywords :
Reverse Brute Force Attacks, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Proactive Response Mechanism, LSTM.