Location and Gender as Determinants of Students’ Academic Performance in Agricultural Science in Zaria Education Zone, Kaduna State

Authors : Yohanna, J; Muhammad, H. B

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/gu88

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3p4Ko0s

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6214799

Abstract : The research established the influence of location and gender on students’ achievement in WASSCE Agricultural Science in Zaria Educational Zone from 2014 – 2018. The ex-post facto design was adopted. Data on students’ performance was obtained from 10 randomly but purposefully selected schools and confirmed from the Kaduna State Ministry of Education. Such data were subjected to simple descriptive statistics and an independent T-test. Results revealed that 51.57 % and 48.43 % of the 2612 students that sat for the examination were from rural and urban areas, respectively, while 62.75 % and 37.25 % were male and female students respectively. Results also revealed significant difference between the performance of male and female students (t=3.99), and performance of urban and rural students (t=2.76). Furthermore, the mean scores of rural students (43.69 and female students (43.21) were relatively higher than urban students (39.19) and male students (40.50) comparatively. The study concluded that location and gender are factors influencing academic achievement in Agricultural Science and therefore recommended equal educational rights for all students irrespective of their sex and provision of adequate facilities, trained and qualified teachers, supervision and monitoring should be ensured for improved female students’ interest and performance of students in Agricultural Science

Keywords : Academic Achievement, Agricultural Science, Gender, Location, Secondary School.

The research established the influence of location and gender on students’ achievement in WASSCE Agricultural Science in Zaria Educational Zone from 2014 – 2018. The ex-post facto design was adopted. Data on students’ performance was obtained from 10 randomly but purposefully selected schools and confirmed from the Kaduna State Ministry of Education. Such data were subjected to simple descriptive statistics and an independent T-test. Results revealed that 51.57 % and 48.43 % of the 2612 students that sat for the examination were from rural and urban areas, respectively, while 62.75 % and 37.25 % were male and female students respectively. Results also revealed significant difference between the performance of male and female students (t=3.99), and performance of urban and rural students (t=2.76). Furthermore, the mean scores of rural students (43.69 and female students (43.21) were relatively higher than urban students (39.19) and male students (40.50) comparatively. The study concluded that location and gender are factors influencing academic achievement in Agricultural Science and therefore recommended equal educational rights for all students irrespective of their sex and provision of adequate facilities, trained and qualified teachers, supervision and monitoring should be ensured for improved female students’ interest and performance of students in Agricultural Science

Keywords : Academic Achievement, Agricultural Science, Gender, Location, Secondary School.

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