Lifestyle Modifications in the Management of Hypertensive Patients in a Secondary Care Center: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study

Authors : Subhash Pandey; Nitesh Shrestha; Ujjwal Kumar Thakur; Nirajan Bhandari

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : Hypertension is the serious medical condition that significantly increases the risks of heart, brain, kidney and other diseases. This study evaluated the level of understanding of hypertensive patients regarding lifestyle modifications, the level of application of those lifestyle changes in their daily activities and the effect of those lifestyle modification in the management of hypertension. The objective of this research is to describe whether the patients with hypertension adhered lifestyle modifications and provision of follow-up instructions upon initial diagnosis of hypertension in a secondary care centre. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in outpatient department of secondary care centre from 20th September 2022 to 20th March 2022. Ethical clearance was taken from Institutional Review Committee (Reference number: 02/2078-79). A simple random sampling was done. Data were collected and entered in Microsoft Excel version 2007 and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Science version 25.0. Results: There is changes in blood pressure (BP) across visits (P<0.001). In first visit 94% patients had BP > 140/90 however in first and second follow up the BP between 120/80 and 140/90 are 86.8% and 98% respectively. After following lifestyle modifications changes, there is changes in weight across visits (P<0.001). Conclusions: Our study about lifestyle modifications in the management of hypertension was similar when compared to other studies conducted in similar settings. On time education and information about exercise, weight loss, less salt intake, less alcohol and cigarette consumption plays an important role in management of hypertensive patients and reduce future risk.

Keywords : Hypertension; Blood Pressure; Outpatient Department; Lifestyle Modification

Hypertension is the serious medical condition that significantly increases the risks of heart, brain, kidney and other diseases. This study evaluated the level of understanding of hypertensive patients regarding lifestyle modifications, the level of application of those lifestyle changes in their daily activities and the effect of those lifestyle modification in the management of hypertension. The objective of this research is to describe whether the patients with hypertension adhered lifestyle modifications and provision of follow-up instructions upon initial diagnosis of hypertension in a secondary care centre. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in outpatient department of secondary care centre from 20th September 2022 to 20th March 2022. Ethical clearance was taken from Institutional Review Committee (Reference number: 02/2078-79). A simple random sampling was done. Data were collected and entered in Microsoft Excel version 2007 and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Science version 25.0. Results: There is changes in blood pressure (BP) across visits (P<0.001). In first visit 94% patients had BP > 140/90 however in first and second follow up the BP between 120/80 and 140/90 are 86.8% and 98% respectively. After following lifestyle modifications changes, there is changes in weight across visits (P<0.001). Conclusions: Our study about lifestyle modifications in the management of hypertension was similar when compared to other studies conducted in similar settings. On time education and information about exercise, weight loss, less salt intake, less alcohol and cigarette consumption plays an important role in management of hypertensive patients and reduce future risk.

Keywords : Hypertension; Blood Pressure; Outpatient Department; Lifestyle Modification

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